Adds a service_worker to your site. This will make it installable on mobile, viewable offline, and potentially more responsive as the user goes between good and bad connections.


Enable this plugin by adding it to your markata.toml hooks list.

  # your hooks

If you have any content that you want to precache, add it to the list of precache. You can use devtools, change your network to offline, and see what files send 404's to the console. These files likely need precache.

precache_urls = ['archive-styles.css', 'scroll.css', 'manifest.json']

cache busting

Markata uses the checksum.dirhash of your output directory as the cache key. This is likely to change and bust the cache on every build.

pre-caching feeds

You can add and entire feed to your precache, this will automatically load these posts into the cache anytime someone visits your site and their browser installs the service worker.

Be nice to your users and don't try to install everything possible in their cache, but maybe a few that they are most likely to click on.

filter="date<today and date>today-timedelta(days=30) and published"

note this assumes that the blog implements a published boolean in each posts frontmatter.


render function

sets precache_urls in markata.config to be used in

render source

def render(markata: "Markata") -> None:
    sets precache_urls in markata.config to be used in

    config = markata.config.service_worker

    if config.precache_feeds:
        for feed, config in markata.config.feeds:

    if config.precache_posts:
        with markata.console.status("pre-caching posts...") as status:
            for post in"post", **config):
                status.update(f"pre-caching {post.get('slug', '')}...")
                config.precache_urls.append(f"/{post.get('slug', '')}/")

    config.precache_urls = list(set(config.precache_urls))


save function

Renders the service-worker.js file with your precache urls, and dirhash.

save source

def save(markata: "Markata") -> None:
    Renders the service-worker.js file with your precache urls, and dirhash.

    template = Template(markata.config.service_worker.template_file.read_text())
    service_worker_js = template.render(

    output_file = markata.config.output_dir / "service-worker.js"