Renders markdown content as html. This may be markdown files loaded in by way of the load plugin.
Markdown backend
There are 3 supported markdown backends that you can configure markata to use
by setting the markdown_backend
in your markata.toml
## choose your markdown backend # markdown_backend='markdown' # markdown_backend='markdown2' markdown_backend='markdown-it-py'
markdown-it-py configuration
has quite a bit of configuration that you can do, you can read
more about the settings in their
# markdown_it flavor [markata.markdown_it_py] config='gfm-like'
You can enable and disable built in plugins using the enable
and disable
[markata.markdown_it_py] # markdown_it built-in plugins enable = [ "table" ] disable = [ "image" ]
You can configure the options_update
as follows, this is for the built-in
plugins and core configuration.
[markata.markdown_it_py.options_update] linkify = true html = true typographer = true highlight = 'markata.plugins.md_it_highlight_code:highlight_code'
Lastly you can add external plugins as follows. Many of the great plugins that come from executable_books actually comes from a separate library mdit-py-plugins, so they will be configured here.
[[markata.markdown_it_py.plugins]] plugin = "mdit_py_plugins.admon:admon_plugin" [[markata.markdown_it_py.plugins]] plugin = "mdit_py_plugins.admon:admon_plugin" [[markata.markdown_it_py.plugins]] plugin = "mdit_py_plugins.attrs:attrs_plugin" config = {spans = true} [[markata.markdown_it_py.plugins]] plugin = "mdit_py_plugins.attrs:attrs_block_plugin" [[markata.markdown_it_py.plugins]] plugin = "markata.plugins.mdit_details:details_plugin" [[markata.markdown_it_py.plugins]] plugin = "mdit_py_plugins.anchors:anchors_plugin" [markata.markdown_it_py.plugins.config] permalink = true permalinkSymbol = '<svg class="heading-permalink" aria-hidden="true" fill="currentColor" focusable="false" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="1em" xmlns=""><path d="M9.199 13.599a5.99 5.99 0 0 0 3.949 2.345 5.987 5.987 0 0 0 5.105-1.702l2.995-2.994a5.992 5.992 0 0 0 1.695-4.285 5.976 5.976 0 0 0-1.831-4.211 5.99 5.99 0 0 0-6.431-1.242 6.003 6.003 0 0 0-1.905 1.24l-1.731 1.721a.999.999 0 1 0 1.41 1.418l1.709-1.699a3.985 3.985 0 0 1 2.761-1.123 3.975 3.975 0 0 1 2.799 1.122 3.997 3.997 0 0 1 .111 5.644l-3.005 3.006a3.982 3.982 0 0 1-3.395 1.126 3.987 3.987 0 0 1-2.632-1.563A1 1 0 0 0 9.201 13.6zm5.602-3.198a5.99 5.99 0 0 0-3.949-2.345 5.987 5.987 0 0 0-5.105 1.702l-2.995 2.994a5.992 5.992 0 0 0-1.695 4.285 5.976 5.976 0 0 0 1.831 4.211 5.99 5.99 0 0 0 6.431 1.242 6.003 6.003 0 0 0 1.905-1.24l1.723-1.723a.999.999 0 1 0-1.414-1.414L9.836 19.81a3.985 3.985 0 0 1-2.761 1.123 3.975 3.975 0 0 1-2.799-1.122 3.997 3.997 0 0 1-.111-5.644l3.005-3.006a3.982 3.982 0 0 1 3.395-1.126 3.987 3.987 0 0 1 2.632 1.563 1 1 0 0 0 1.602-1.198z"></path></svg>' [[markata.markdown_it_py.plugins]] plugin = "markata.plugins.md_it_wikilinks:wikilinks_plugin" config = {markata = "markata"}
!! class
Backend class
Backend source
class Backend(str, Enum): markdown = "markdown" markdown2 = "markdown2" markdown_it_py = "markdown-it-py"
!! class
MdItExtension class
MdItExtension source
class MdItExtension(pydantic.BaseModel): plugin: str config: Dict = None
!! class
RenderMarkdownConfig class
RenderMarkdownConfig source
class RenderMarkdownConfig(pydantic.BaseModel): backend: Backend = Backend("markdown-it-py") extensions: List[MdItExtension] = [] cache_expire: int = 3600 @pydantic.validator("extensions") def convert_to_list(cls, v): if not isinstance(v, list): return [v] return v
!! class
Config class
Config source
class Config(pydantic.BaseModel): render_markdown: RenderMarkdownConfig = RenderMarkdownConfig()
!! class
RenderMarkdownPost class
RenderMarkdownPost source
class RenderMarkdownPost(pydantic.BaseModel): article_html: Optional[str] = None html: Optional[str | Dict[str, str]] = None
!! function
config_model function
config_model source
def config_model(markata: "Markata") -> None: markata.config_models.append(Config)
!! function
post_model function
post_model source
def post_model(markata: "Markata") -> None: markata.post_models.append(RenderMarkdownPost)
!! function
configure function
Sets up a markdown instance as mdconfigure source
def configure(markata: "Markata") -> None: "Sets up a markdown instance as md" # if "markdown_extensions" not in markata.config: # markdown_extensions = [""] # if isinstance(markata.config["markdown_extensions"], str): # markdown_extensions = [markata.config["markdown_extensions"]] # if isinstance(markata.config["markdown_extensions"], list): # markdown_extensions = markata.config["markdown_extensions"] # else: # raise TypeError("markdown_extensions should be List[str]") # markata.markdown_extensions = [*DEFAULT_MD_EXTENSIONS, *markdown_extensions] if ( markata.config.get("markdown_backend", "") .lower() .replace(" ", "-") .replace("_", "-") == "markdown-it-py" ): from markdown_it import MarkdownIt config_update = markata.config.get("markdown_it_py", {}).get( "options_update", { "linkify": True, "html": True, "typographer": True, "highlight": highlight_code, }, ) if isinstance(config_update.get("highlight"), str): module = config_update["highlight"].split(":")[0] func = config_update["highlight"].split(":")[1] config_update["highlight"] = getattr( importlib.import_module(module), func, ) = MarkdownIt( markata.config.get("markdown_it_py", {}).get("config", "gfm-like"), config_update, ) for plugin in markata.config.get("markdown_it_py", {}).get("enable", []): for plugin in markata.config.get("markdown_it_py", {}).get("disable", []): plugins = copy.deepcopy( markata.config.get("markdown_it_py", {}).get("plugins", []), ) for plugin in plugins: if isinstance(plugin["plugin"], str): plugin["plugin_str"] = plugin["plugin"] plugin_module = plugin["plugin"].split(":")[0] plugin_func = plugin["plugin"].split(":")[1] plugin["plugin"] = getattr( importlib.import_module(plugin_module), plugin_func, ) plugin["config"] = plugin.get("config", {}) for k, _v in plugin["config"].items(): if k == "markata": plugin["config"][k] = markata =["plugin"], **plugin["config"]) = = "" elif ( markata.config.get("markdown_backend", "") .lower() .replace(" ", "-") .replace("_", "-") == "markdown2" ): import markdown2 = markdown2.Markdown( extras=markata.config.render_markdown.extensions ) = "" else: import markdown = markdown.Markdown( extensions=markata.config.render_markdown.extensions )
!! function
render function
render source
def render(markata: "Markata") -> None: config = markata.config.render_markdown with markata.cache as cache: for article in markata.articles: article.html = render_article(markata, config, cache, article) article.article_html = copy.deepcopy(article.html)
!! function
render_article function
render_article source
def render_article(markata: "Markata", config, cache, article): key = markata.make_hash( "render_markdown", "render", article.content, ) html_from_cache = markata.precache.get(key) if html_from_cache is None: html = cache.add(key, html, expire=config.cache_expire) else: html = html_from_cache return html article.html = html article.article_html = copy.deepcopy(html) article.html = html article.article_html = article.article_html
!! method
convert_to_list method
convert_to_list source
def convert_to_list(cls, v): if not isinstance(v, list): return [v] return v