The markata.plugins.publish_source plugin saves processed markdown files to the output directory, preserving frontmatter and content modifications. This enables source file access alongside rendered HTML.


This plugin is built-in and enabled by default through the 'default' plugin. If you want to be explicit, you can add it to your list of plugins:

hooks = [


Since this plugin is included in the default plugin set, to disable it you must explicitly add it to the disabled_hooks list if you are using the 'default' plugin:

disabled_hooks = [


No explicit configuration is required. The plugin automatically saves source files alongside HTML output.


File Output

The plugin:

  1. Preserves markdown source
  2. Maintains frontmatter
  3. Creates output directories
  4. Uses post slugs for paths

Path Resolution

Source files are saved:

  • At post's slug location
  • With .md extension
  • In output directory
  • Alongside HTML files

Frontmatter Handling

Handles frontmatter:

  • Strips unserializable values
  • Preserves YAML compatibility
  • Maintains metadata
  • Logs stripped fields

Error Handling


  • YAML validation
  • Path verification
  • Directory creation
  • Error logging


This plugin depends on:

  • python-frontmatter for YAML handling
  • pyyaml for serialization


_save function

saves the article to the output directory at its specified slug.

_save source

def _save(output_dir: Path, article: frontmatter.Post) -> None:
    saves the article to the output directory at its specified slug.
    path = Path(
        output_dir / Path(article["slug"]).parent / Path(article["path"]).name,
    path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)


_strip_unserializable_values function

Returns an article with only yaml serializable frontmatter.

_strip_unserializable_values source

def _strip_unserializable_values(
    markata: "Markata",
    article: frontmatter.Post,
) -> frontmatter.Post:
    Returns an article with only yaml serializable frontmatter.
    _article = frontmatter.Post(
        **{k: v for k, v in article.metadata.items() if k != "content"},
    kwargs = {
        "Dumper": yaml.cyaml.CSafeDumper,
        "default_flow_style": False,
        "allow_unicode": True,
    for key, value in article.metadata.items():
            yaml.dump({key: value}, **kwargs)
        except RepresenterError:
            del _article[key]
    if markata.Post:
        _article = markata.Post(**_article.metadata, path=str(article.path))
    return _article


save function

Saves the final modified post to the output site as markdown.


Any keys that are not yaml serializable will be stripped.

save source

def save(markata: "Markata") -> None:
    Saves the final modified post to the output site as markdown.

    !!! note
        Any keys that are not yaml serializable will be stripped.

    output_dir = Path(str(markata.config["output_dir"]))
    for article in markata.filter(
        "not skip"
    ):  # iter_articles(description="saving source documents"):
            _save(output_dir, article)
        except RepresenterError:
            _article = _strip_unserializable_values(markata, article)

            _save(output_dir, _article)