
Sets the articles output_html path, and saves the article's html to the output_html file.

Ouptut Directory

Output will always be written inside of the configured output_dir

# markout is the default, but you can override it in your markata.toml file
output_dir = "markout"

Explicityly set the output

markata will save the articles html to the output_html specified in the articles metadata, loaded from frontmatter.

404 example use case

Here is an example use case of explicitly setting the output_html. By default markata will turn pages/ into markout/404/index.html, but many hosting providers look for a 404.html to redirect the user to when a page is not found.

title: Whoops that page was not found
description: 404, looks like we can't find the page you are looking for
output_html: 404.html


404, looks like we can't find the page you are looking for.  Try one of these

{% for post in
        filter='"markata" not in slug and "tests" not in slug and "404" not in slug'
    <li><a href="{{ post.slug }}">{{ post.title or "CHANGELOG" }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
</ul> is the one special case

If you have a file pages/ it will become markout/index.html rather than markout/index/inject.html This is one of the primary ways that markata lets you make your home page

!! class

OutputHTML class

OutputHTML source

        class OutputHTML(pydantic.BaseModel):
            markata: Any = Field(None, exclude=True)
            path: Path
            slug: str = None
            output_html: Path = None

            @pydantic.validator("slug", pre=True, always=True)
            def default_slug(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None:
                    return slugify(str(values["path"].stem))
                return v

            @pydantic.validator("output_html", pre=True, always=True)
            def default_output_html(
                cls: "OutputHTML", v: Optional[Path], *, values: Dict
            ) -> Path:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = Path(v)
                if v is not None:
                    return v
                if "slug" not in values:
                    for validator in cls.__validators__["slug"]:
                        values["slug"] = validator.func(cls, v, values=values)

                if values["slug"] == "index":
                    return cls.markata.config.output_dir / "index.html"
                return cls.markata.config.output_dir / values["slug"] / "index.html"

            def output_html_relative(
                cls: "OutputHTML", v: Optional[Path], *, values: Dict
            ) -> Path:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = Path(v)
                if cls.markata.config.output_dir.absolute() not in v.absolute().parents:
                    return cls.markata.config.output_dir / v
                return v

            def output_html_exists(
                cls: "OutputHTML", v: Optional[Path], *, values: Dict
            ) -> Path:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = Path(v)
                if not v.parent.exists():
                    v.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
                return v

!! function

post_model function

post_model source

        def post_model(markata: "Markata") -> None:

!! function

save function

Saves all the articles to their set output_html location if that location is relative to the specified output_dir. If its not relative to the output_dir it will log an error and move on.

save source

        def save(markata: "Markata") -> None:
            Saves all the articles to their set `output_html` location if that location
            is relative to the specified `output_dir`.  If its not relative to the
            `output_dir` it will log an error and move on.

            for article in markata.articles:
                if article.html is None:
                if isinstance(article.html, str):
                if isinstance(article.html, Dict):
                    for slug, html in article.html.items():
                        if slug == "index":
                            slug = ""
                            output_html = article.output_html
                        elif "." in slug:
                            output_html = article.output_html.parent / slug
                            slug = slugify(slug)
                            output_html = article.output_html.parent / slug / "index.html"

                        output_html.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

!! method

default_slug method

default_slug source

        def default_slug(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None:
                    return slugify(str(values["path"].stem))
                return v

!! method

default_output_html method

default_output_html source

        def default_output_html(
                cls: "OutputHTML", v: Optional[Path], *, values: Dict
            ) -> Path:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = Path(v)
                if v is not None:
                    return v
                if "slug" not in values:
                    for validator in cls.__validators__["slug"]:
                        values["slug"] = validator.func(cls, v, values=values)

                if values["slug"] == "index":
                    return cls.markata.config.output_dir / "index.html"
                return cls.markata.config.output_dir / values["slug"] / "index.html"

!! method

output_html_relative method

output_html_relative source

        def output_html_relative(
                cls: "OutputHTML", v: Optional[Path], *, values: Dict
            ) -> Path:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = Path(v)
                if cls.markata.config.output_dir.absolute() not in v.absolute().parents:
                    return cls.markata.config.output_dir / v
                return v

!! method

output_html_exists method

output_html_exists source

        def output_html_exists(
                cls: "OutputHTML", v: Optional[Path], *, values: Dict
            ) -> Path:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    v = Path(v)
                if not v.parent.exists():
                    v.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
                return v