Add head configuration
This snippet allows users to configure their head in markata.toml
{{ config.get('head', {}).pop('text') if 'text' in config.get('head',{}).keys() }} {% for tag, meta in config.get('head', {}).items() %} {% for _meta in meta %} <{{ tag }} {% for attr, value in _meta.items() %}{{ attr }}="{{ value }}"{% endfor %} /> {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Users can specify any sort of tag in their markata.toml
[[markata.head.meta]] name = "og:type" content = "article" [[markata.head.meta]] name = "og:author" content = "Waylon Walker"
The above configuration becomes this once rendered.
<meta name='og:type' content='article' /> <meta name='og:Author' content='Waylon Walker' />
!! Note
Article variables can be used for dynamic entries like canonical_url
``` toml
url = ""
href="{{ config.url }}/{{ slug }}/"
Optionally users can also specify plain text to be appended to the head of their documents. This works well for things that involve full blocks.
[[markata.head.text]] value = ''' <script> console.log('hello world') </script> ''' [[markata.head.text]] value=''' html { font-family: "Space Mono", monospace; background: var(--color-bg); color: var(--color-text); } '''
Add scripts to head
Markata config also supports adding scripts to the head via configuration.
[[ markata.head.script ]] src = ""
SilentUndefined class
SilentUndefined source
class SilentUndefined(Undefined): def _fail_with_undefined_error(self, *args, **kwargs): return ""
optional function
optional source
def optional(*fields): def dec(_cls): for field in fields: _cls.__fields__[field].default = None return _cls if ( fields and inspect.isclass(fields[0]) and issubclass(fields[0], pydantic.BaseModel) ): cls = fields[0] fields = cls.__fields__ return dec(cls) return dec
Style class
Style source
class Style(pydantic.BaseModel): color_bg: str = "#1f2022" color_bg_code: str = "#1f2022" color_text: str = "#eefbfe" color_link: str = "#fb30c4" color_accent: str = "#e1bd00c9" overlay_brightness: str = ".85" body_width: str = "800px" color_bg_light: str = "#eefbfe" color_bg_code_light: str = "#eefbfe" color_text_light: str = "#1f2022" color_link_light: str = "#fb30c4" color_accent_light: str = "#ffeb00" overlay_brightness_light: str = ".95"
StyleOverrides class
StyleOverrides source
class StyleOverrides(Style): ...
Meta class
Meta source
class Meta(pydantic.BaseModel): name: str content: str
Text class
Text source
class Text(pydantic.BaseModel): value: str
Link class
Link source
class Link(pydantic.BaseModel): rel: str = "canonical" href: str
Script class
Script source
class Script(pydantic.BaseModel): src: str
HeadConfig class
HeadConfig source
class HeadConfig(pydantic.BaseModel): meta: List[Meta] = [] link: List[Link] = [] script: List[Script] = [] text: Union[List[Text], str] = "" @pydantic.validator("text", pre=True) def text_to_list(cls, v): if isinstance(v, list): return "\n".join([text["value"] for text in v]) return v @property def html(self): html = self.text html += "\n" for meta in self.meta: html += f'<meta name="{}" content="{meta.content}" />\n' for link in html += f'<link rel="{link.rel}" href="{link.href}" />\n' return html
Config class
Config source
class Config(pydantic.BaseModel): head: HeadConfig = HeadConfig() style: Style = Style() post_template: Optional[Union[str | Dict[str, str]]] = "post.html" dynamic_templates_dir: Path = Path(".markata.cache/templates") templates_dir: Union[Path, List[Path]] = pydantic.Field(Path("templates")) env_options: dict = {} @pydantic.model_validator(mode="after") def dynamic_templates_in_templates_dir(self): markata_templates = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "templates" if isinstance(self.templates_dir, Path): self.templates_dir = [ self.templates_dir, markata_templates, self.dynamic_templates_dir, ] if markata_templates not in self.templates_dir: self.templates_dir.append(markata_templates) if self.dynamic_templates_dir not in self.templates_dir: self.templates_dir.append(self.dynamic_templates_dir) return self @property def jinja_loader(self): return jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self.templates_dir) @property def jinja_env( self, ): if hasattr(self, "_jinja_env"): return self._jinja_env self.env_options.setdefault("loader", self.jinja_loader) self.env_options.setdefault("undefined", SilentUndefined) self.env_options.setdefault("lstrip_blocks", True) self.env_options.setdefault("trim_blocks", True) env = jinja2.Environment(**self.env_options) self._jinja_env = env return env
PostOverrides class
PostOverrides source
class PostOverrides(pydantic.BaseModel): head: HeadConfig = HeadConfig() style: Style = StyleOverrides()
Post class
Post source
class Post(pydantic.BaseModel): config_overrides: PostOverrides = PostOverrides() template: Optional[str | Dict[str, str]] = None @pydantic.validator("template", pre=True, always=True) def default_template(cls, v, *, values): if v is None: return values["markata"].config.post_template if isinstance(v, str): v = {"index": v} if isinstance(values["markata"].config.post_template, str): config_template = { "index": values["markata"].config.post_template, } else: config_template = values["markata"].config.post_template return {**config_template, **v}
config_model function
config_model source
def config_model(markata: "Markata") -> None: markata.config_models.append(Config)
post_model function
post_model source
def post_model(markata: "Markata") -> None: markata.post_models.append(Post)
configure function
Massages the configuration limitations of toml to allow a little bit easier
experience to the end user making configurations while allowing an simpler
jinja template. This enablees the use of the markata.head.text
list in
configure source
def configure(markata: "Markata") -> None: """ Massages the configuration limitations of toml to allow a little bit easier experience to the end user making configurations while allowing an simpler jinja template. This enablees the use of the `markata.head.text` list in configuration. """
pre_render function
FOR EACH POST: Massages the configuration limitations of toml/yaml to allow
a little bit easier experience to the end user making configurations while
allowing an simpler jinja template. This enables the use of the
list in configuration.
pre_render source
def pre_render(markata: "Markata") -> None: """ FOR EACH POST: Massages the configuration limitations of toml/yaml to allow a little bit easier experience to the end user making configurations while allowing an simpler jinja template. This enables the use of the `markata.head.text` list in configuration. """ markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) head_template = markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir / "head.html" head_template.write_text( markata.config.jinja_env.get_template("dynamic_head.html").render( {"markata": markata} ), ) for article in [a for a in markata.articles if "config_overrides" in a]: raw_text = article.get("config_overrides", {}).get("head", {}).get("text", "") if isinstance(raw_text, list): article["config_overrides"]["head"]["text"] = "\n".join( flatten([t.values() for t in raw_text]), )
render function
render source
def render(markata: "Markata") -> None: with markata.cache as cache: for article in markata.articles: html = render_article(markata=markata, cache=cache, article=article) article.html = html
get_template function
get_template source
def get_template(markata, template): try: return markata.config.jinja_env.get_template(template) except jinja2.TemplateNotFound: # try to load it as a file ... try: return Template(Path(template).read_text(), undefined=SilentUndefined) except FileNotFoundError: # default to load it as a string ... return Template(template, undefined=SilentUndefined)
render_article function
render_article source
def render_article(markata, cache, article): key = markata.make_hash( "post_template", __version__, article.key, ) html = markata.precache.get(key) if html is not None: return html if isinstance(article.template, str): template = get_template(markata, article.template) html = render_template(markata, article, template) if isinstance(article.template, dict): html = { slug: render_template(markata, article, get_template(markata, template)) for slug, template in article.template.items() } cache.add(key, html, expire=markata.config.default_cache_expire) return html
render_template function
render_template source
def render_template(markata, article, template): template = get_template(markata, template) merged_config = markata.config # TODO do we need to handle merge?? # if head_template: # head = eval( # head_template.render( # __version__=__version__, # config=_full_config, # **article, # ) # ) # merged_config = { # **_full_config, # **{"head": head}, # } # merged_config = always_merger.merge( # merged_config, # copy.deepcopy( # article.get( # "config_overrides", # {}, # ) # ), # ) html = template.render( __version__=__version__, markata=markata, body=article.article_html, config=merged_config, post=article, ) return html
save function
save source
def save(markata: "Markata") -> None: linked_templates = [ t for t in markata.config.jinja_env.list_templates() if t.endswith("css") or t.endswith("js") or t.endswith("xsl") ] for template in linked_templates: template = get_template(markata, template) css = template.render(markata=markata, __version__=__version__) Path(markata.config.output_dir / Path(template.filename).name).write_text(css)
cli function
Markata hook to implement base cli commands.
cli source
def cli(app: typer.Typer, markata: "Markata") -> None: """ Markata hook to implement base cli commands. """ templates_app = typer.Typer() app.add_typer(templates_app) @templates_app.callback() def templates(): "template management" @templates_app.command() def show( template: str = typer.Argument(None, help="template to show"), theme: str = typer.Option(None, help="pygments syntax theme"), ) -> None: markata.console.quiet = True if template: template = get_template(markata, template) markata.console.quiet = False markata.console.print(template.filename) if theme is None or theme.lower() == "none": markata.console.print(Path(template.filename).read_text()) else: syntax = Syntax.from_path(template.filename, theme=theme) markata.console.print(syntax) return templates = markata.config.jinja_env.list_templates() markata.console.quiet = False markata.console.print("Templates directories:", style="green underline") markata_templates = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "templates" for dir in markata.config.templates_dir: if dir == markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir: markata.console.print( f"[gold3]{dir}[/][grey50] (dynamically created templates from configuration)[/] [gold3]\[markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir][/]", style="red", ) elif dir == markata_templates: markata.console.print( f"[cyan]{dir}[/][grey50] (built-in)[/]", style="red" ) else: markata.console.print( f"[orchid]{dir}[/] [orchid]\[markata.config.templates_dir][/]", style="red", ) markata.console.print() markata.console.print( "Available Templates: [white]name -> path[/]", style="green underline" ) for template in templates: source, file, uptodate = markata.config.jinja_env.loader.get_source( markata.config.jinja_env, template ) if Path(file).is_relative_to(markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir): markata.console.print( f"[gold3]{template} -> [red]{file}[/] [grey50](dynamic)[/]" ) elif Path(file).is_relative_to(markata_templates): markata.console.print( f"[cyan]{template} -> [red]{file}[/] [grey50](built-in)[/]" ) else: markata.console.print(f"[orchid]{template}[/] -> [red]{file}[/]")
_fail_with_undefined_error method
_fail_with_undefined_error source
def _fail_with_undefined_error(self, *args, **kwargs): return ""
dec function
dec source
def dec(_cls): for field in fields: _cls.__fields__[field].default = None return _cls
text_to_list method
text_to_list source
def text_to_list(cls, v): if isinstance(v, list): return "\n".join([text["value"] for text in v]) return v
html method
html source
def html(self): html = self.text html += "\n" for meta in self.meta: html += f'<meta name="{}" content="{meta.content}" />\n' for link in html += f'<link rel="{link.rel}" href="{link.href}" />\n' return html
dynamic_templates_in_templates_dir method
dynamic_templates_in_templates_dir source
def dynamic_templates_in_templates_dir(self): markata_templates = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "templates" if isinstance(self.templates_dir, Path): self.templates_dir = [ self.templates_dir, markata_templates, self.dynamic_templates_dir, ] if markata_templates not in self.templates_dir: self.templates_dir.append(markata_templates) if self.dynamic_templates_dir not in self.templates_dir: self.templates_dir.append(self.dynamic_templates_dir) return self
jinja_loader method
jinja_loader source
def jinja_loader(self): return jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self.templates_dir)
jinja_env method
jinja_env source
def jinja_env( self, ): if hasattr(self, "_jinja_env"): return self._jinja_env self.env_options.setdefault("loader", self.jinja_loader) self.env_options.setdefault("undefined", SilentUndefined) self.env_options.setdefault("lstrip_blocks", True) self.env_options.setdefault("trim_blocks", True) env = jinja2.Environment(**self.env_options) self._jinja_env = env return env
default_template method
default_template source
def default_template(cls, v, *, values): if v is None: return values["markata"].config.post_template if isinstance(v, str): v = {"index": v} if isinstance(values["markata"].config.post_template, str): config_template = { "index": values["markata"].config.post_template, } else: config_template = values["markata"].config.post_template return {**config_template, **v}
templates function
template management
templates source
def templates(): "template management"
show function
show source
def show( template: str = typer.Argument(None, help="template to show"), theme: str = typer.Option(None, help="pygments syntax theme"), ) -> None: markata.console.quiet = True if template: template = get_template(markata, template) markata.console.quiet = False markata.console.print(template.filename) if theme is None or theme.lower() == "none": markata.console.print(Path(template.filename).read_text()) else: syntax = Syntax.from_path(template.filename, theme=theme) markata.console.print(syntax) return templates = markata.config.jinja_env.list_templates() markata.console.quiet = False markata.console.print("Templates directories:", style="green underline") markata_templates = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "templates" for dir in markata.config.templates_dir: if dir == markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir: markata.console.print( f"[gold3]{dir}[/][grey50] (dynamically created templates from configuration)[/] [gold3]\[markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir][/]", style="red", ) elif dir == markata_templates: markata.console.print( f"[cyan]{dir}[/][grey50] (built-in)[/]", style="red" ) else: markata.console.print( f"[orchid]{dir}[/] [orchid]\[markata.config.templates_dir][/]", style="red", ) markata.console.print() markata.console.print( "Available Templates: [white]name -> path[/]", style="green underline" ) for template in templates: source, file, uptodate = markata.config.jinja_env.loader.get_source( markata.config.jinja_env, template ) if Path(file).is_relative_to(markata.config.dynamic_templates_dir): markata.console.print( f"[gold3]{template} -> [red]{file}[/] [grey50](dynamic)[/]" ) elif Path(file).is_relative_to(markata_templates): markata.console.print( f"[cyan]{template} -> [red]{file}[/] [grey50](built-in)[/]" ) else: markata.console.print(f"[orchid]{template}[/] -> [red]{file}[/]")