
Post class

Post source

        class Post(pydantic.BaseModel, JupyterMixin):
            markata: Any = Field(None, exclude=True)
            path: Path
            slug: Optional[str] = None
            href: Optional[str] = None
            published: bool = False
            description: Optional[str] = None
            content: str = None
            # date: Union[, str]=None
            date: Optional[Union[, str]] = None
            # pydantic.Field(
            # default_factory=lambda:
            # )
            date_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None
            today: = pydantic.Field(
            now: datetime.datetime = pydantic.Field(default_factory=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
            load_time: float = 0
            profile: Optional[str] = None
            title: str = None
            model_config = ConfigDict(
            template: Optional[str | Dict[str, str]] = "post.html"
            sidebar: Optional[Any] = None

            def __rich__(self) -> Pretty:
                return Pretty(self)

            def __repr_args__(self: "Post") -> "ReprArgs":
                return [
                    (key, value)
                    for key, value in self.__dict__.items()
                    if key in self.markata.config.post_model.repr_include

            def key(self: "Post") -> List[str]:
                return self.markata.make_hash(

            def metadata(self: "Post") -> Dict:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return self.__dict__

            def to_dict(self: "Post") -> Dict:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return self.__dict__

            def __getitem__(self: "Post", item: str) -> Any:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return getattr(self, item)

            def __setitem__(self: "Post", key: str, item: Any) -> None:
                "for backwards compatability"
                setattr(self, key, item)

            def get(self: "Post", item: str, default: Any) -> Any:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return getattr(self, item, default)

            def keys(self: "Post") -> List[str]:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return self.__dict__.keys()

            # def json(
            #     self: "Post",
            #     include: Iterable = None,
            #     all: bool = False,
            #     **kwargs,
            # ) -> str:
            #     """
            #     override function to give a default include value that will include
            #     user configured includes.
            #     """
            #     if all:
            #         return pydantic.create_model("Post", **self)(**self).json(
            #             **kwargs,
            #         )
            #     if include:
            #         return pydantic.create_model("Post", **self)(**self).json(
            #             include=include,
            #             **kwargs,
            #         )
            #     return pydantic.create_model("Post", **self)(**self).json(
            #         include={i: True for i in self.markata.config.post_model.include},
            #         **kwargs,
            #     )

            def yaml(self: "Post") -> str:
                dump model to yaml
                import yaml

                return yaml.dump(
                        include={i: True for i in self.markata.config.post_model.include}

            def markdown(self: "Post") -> str:
                dump model to markdown

                import yaml

                frontmatter = yaml.dump(
                            i: True
                            for i in [
                                for _i in self.markata.config.post_model.include
                                if _i != "content"
                post = "---\n"
                post += frontmatter
                post += "---\n\n"

                if self.content:
                    post += self.content
                return post

            def parse_file(cls, markata, path: Union[Path, str], **kwargs) -> "Post":
                if isinstance(path, Path):
                    if path.suffix in [".md", ".markdown"]:
                        return cls.parse_markdown(markata=markata, path=path, **kwargs)
                elif isinstance(path, str):
                    if path.endswith(".md") or path.endswith(".markdown"):
                        return cls.parse_markdown(markata=markata, path=path, **kwargs)
                return super(Post, cls).parse_file(path, **kwargs)

            def parse_markdown(cls, markata, path: Union[Path, str], **kwargs) -> "Post":
                if isinstance(path, str):
                    path = Path(path)
                text = path.read_text()
                    _, fm, *content = text.split("---\n")
                    content = "---\n".join(content)
                        fm = yaml.load(fm, Loader=yaml.CBaseLoader)
                    except yaml.YAMLError:
                        fm = {}
                except ValueError:
                    fm = {}
                    content = text
                if fm is None or isinstance(fm, str):
                    fm = {}

                post_args = {
                    "markata": markata,
                    "path": path,
                    "content": content,
                    "raw": text,

                return markata.Post.parse_obj(post_args)

            def dumps(self):
                dumps raw article back out
                return f"---\n{self.yaml()}\n\n---\n\n{self.content}"

            @pydantic.validator("slug", pre=True, always=True)
            def default_slug(cls, v, *, values):
                return v or slugify(str(values["path"].stem))

            @pydantic.validator("slug", pre=True, always=True)
            def index_slug_is_empty(cls, v, *, values):
                if v == "index":
                    return ""
                return v

            @pydantic.validator("slug", pre=True, always=True)
            def no_double_slash_in_slug(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None:
                    return v
                return v.replace("//", "/")

            @pydantic.validator("href", pre=True, always=True)
            def default_href(cls, v, *, values):
                if v:
                    return v
                return f"/{values['slug'].strip('/')}/".replace("//", "/")

            @pydantic.validator("title", pre=True, always=True)
            def title_title(cls, v, *, values):
                title = v or Path(values["path"]).stem.replace("-", " ")
                return title.title()

            @pydantic.validator("date_time", pre=True, always=True)
            def dateparser_datetime(cls, v, *, values):
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    d = dateparser.parse(v)
                    if d is None:
                        raise ValueError(f'"{v}" is not a valid date')
                return v

            @pydantic.validator("date_time", pre=True, always=True)
            def date_is_datetime(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None and "date" not in values:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                if v is None and values["date"] is None:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
                    return v
                if isinstance(values["date"], datetime.datetime):
                    return values["date"]
                if isinstance(v,
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(v, datetime.time.min)
                if isinstance(values["date"],
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(values["date"], datetime.time.min)
                return v

            @pydantic.validator("date_time", pre=True, always=True)
            def mindate_time(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None and "date" not in values:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                    return datetime.datetime.min
                if values["date"] is None:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                    return datetime.datetime.min
                if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
                    return v
                if isinstance(values["date"], datetime.datetime):
                    return values["date"]
                if isinstance(v,
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(v, datetime.time.min)
                if isinstance(values["date"],
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(values["date"], datetime.time.min)
                return v

            @pydantic.validator("date", pre=True, always=True)
            def dateparser_date(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    d = cls.markata.precache.get(v)
                    if d is not None:
                        return d
                    d = dateparser.parse(v)
                    if d is None:
                        raise ValueError(f'"{v}" is not a valid date')
                    d =
                    with cls.markata.cache as cache:
                        cache.add(v, d)
                    return d
                return v

PostModelConfig class

Configuration for the Post model

PostModelConfig source

        class PostModelConfig(pydantic.BaseModel):
            "Configuration for the Post model"

            def __init__(self, **data) -> None:

                include: post attributes to include by default in Post
                model serialization.
                repr_include: post attributes to include by default in Post
                repr.  If `repr_include` is None, it will default to
                `include`, but it is likely that you want less in the repr
                than serialized output.


                ``` toml title='markata.toml'
                include = ['date', 'description', 'published',
                    'slug', 'title', 'content', 'html']
                repr_include = ['date', 'description', 'published', 'slug', 'title']

            include: List[str] = [
            repr_include: Optional[List[str]] = [
            export_include: Optional[List[str]] = [

            @pydantic.validator("repr_include", pre=True, always=True)
            def repr_include_validator(cls, v, *, values):
                if v:
                    return v
                return values.get("include", None)

Config class

Config source

        class Config(pydantic.BaseModel):
            post_model: PostModelConfig = pydantic.Field(default_factory=PostModelConfig)

post_model function

post_model source

        def post_model(markata: "Markata") -> None:

config_model function

config_model source

        def config_model(markata: "Markata") -> None:

PostFactory class

PostFactory source

        class PostFactory(ModelFactory):
            __model__ = Post
            __model__ = Post

rich method

rich source

        def __rich__(self) -> Pretty:
                return Pretty(self)

repr_args method

repr_args source

        def __repr_args__(self: "Post") -> "ReprArgs":
                return [
                    (key, value)
                    for key, value in self.__dict__.items()
                    if key in self.markata.config.post_model.repr_include

key method

key source

        def key(self: "Post") -> List[str]:
                return self.markata.make_hash(

metadata method

for backwards compatability

metadata source

        def metadata(self: "Post") -> Dict:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return self.__dict__

to_dict method

for backwards compatability

to_dict source

        def to_dict(self: "Post") -> Dict:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return self.__dict__

getitem method

for backwards compatability

getitem source

        def __getitem__(self: "Post", item: str) -> Any:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return getattr(self, item)

setitem method

for backwards compatability

setitem source

        def __setitem__(self: "Post", key: str, item: Any) -> None:
                "for backwards compatability"
                setattr(self, key, item)

get method

for backwards compatability

get source

        def get(self: "Post", item: str, default: Any) -> Any:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return getattr(self, item, default)

keys method

for backwards compatability

keys source

        def keys(self: "Post") -> List[str]:
                "for backwards compatability"
                return self.__dict__.keys()

yaml method

dump model to yaml

yaml source

        def yaml(self: "Post") -> str:
                dump model to yaml
                import yaml

                return yaml.dump(
                        include={i: True for i in self.markata.config.post_model.include}

markdown method

dump model to markdown

markdown source

        def markdown(self: "Post") -> str:
                dump model to markdown

                import yaml

                frontmatter = yaml.dump(
                            i: True
                            for i in [
                                for _i in self.markata.config.post_model.include
                                if _i != "content"
                post = "---\n"
                post += frontmatter
                post += "---\n\n"

                if self.content:
                    post += self.content
                return post

parse_file method

parse_file source

        def parse_file(cls, markata, path: Union[Path, str], **kwargs) -> "Post":
                if isinstance(path, Path):
                    if path.suffix in [".md", ".markdown"]:
                        return cls.parse_markdown(markata=markata, path=path, **kwargs)
                elif isinstance(path, str):
                    if path.endswith(".md") or path.endswith(".markdown"):
                        return cls.parse_markdown(markata=markata, path=path, **kwargs)
                return super(Post, cls).parse_file(path, **kwargs)

parse_markdown method

parse_markdown source

        def parse_markdown(cls, markata, path: Union[Path, str], **kwargs) -> "Post":
                if isinstance(path, str):
                    path = Path(path)
                text = path.read_text()
                    _, fm, *content = text.split("---\n")
                    content = "---\n".join(content)
                        fm = yaml.load(fm, Loader=yaml.CBaseLoader)
                    except yaml.YAMLError:
                        fm = {}
                except ValueError:
                    fm = {}
                    content = text
                if fm is None or isinstance(fm, str):
                    fm = {}

                post_args = {
                    "markata": markata,
                    "path": path,
                    "content": content,
                    "raw": text,

                return markata.Post.parse_obj(post_args)

dumps method

dumps raw article back out

dumps source

        def dumps(self):
                dumps raw article back out
                return f"---\n{self.yaml()}\n\n---\n\n{self.content}"

default_slug method

default_slug source

        def default_slug(cls, v, *, values):
                return v or slugify(str(values["path"].stem))

index_slug_is_empty method

index_slug_is_empty source

        def index_slug_is_empty(cls, v, *, values):
                if v == "index":
                    return ""
                return v

no_double_slash_in_slug method

no_double_slash_in_slug source

        def no_double_slash_in_slug(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None:
                    return v
                return v.replace("//", "/")

default_href method

default_href source

        def default_href(cls, v, *, values):
                if v:
                    return v
                return f"/{values['slug'].strip('/')}/".replace("//", "/")

title_title method

title_title source

        def title_title(cls, v, *, values):
                title = v or Path(values["path"]).stem.replace("-", " ")
                return title.title()

dateparser_datetime method

dateparser_datetime source

        def dateparser_datetime(cls, v, *, values):
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    d = dateparser.parse(v)
                    if d is None:
                        raise ValueError(f'"{v}" is not a valid date')
                return v

date_is_datetime method

date_is_datetime source

        def date_is_datetime(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None and "date" not in values:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                if v is None and values["date"] is None:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
                    return v
                if isinstance(values["date"], datetime.datetime):
                    return values["date"]
                if isinstance(v,
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(v, datetime.time.min)
                if isinstance(values["date"],
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(values["date"], datetime.time.min)
                return v

mindate_time method

mindate_time source

        def mindate_time(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None and "date" not in values:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                    return datetime.datetime.min
                if values["date"] is None:
                    values["markata"].console.log(f"{values['path']} has no date")
                    return datetime.datetime.min
                if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime):
                    return v
                if isinstance(values["date"], datetime.datetime):
                    return values["date"]
                if isinstance(v,
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(v, datetime.time.min)
                if isinstance(values["date"],
                    return datetime.datetime.combine(values["date"], datetime.time.min)
                return v

dateparser_date method

dateparser_date source

        def dateparser_date(cls, v, *, values):
                if v is None:
                if isinstance(v, str):
                    d = cls.markata.precache.get(v)
                    if d is not None:
                        return d
                    d = dateparser.parse(v)
                    if d is None:
                        raise ValueError(f'"{v}" is not a valid date')
                    d =
                    with cls.markata.cache as cache:
                        cache.add(v, d)
                    return d
                return v

init method

include: post attributes to include by default in Post model serialization. repr_include: post attributes to include by default in Post repr. If repr_include is None, it will default to include, but it is likely that you want less in the repr than serialized output.



include = ['date', 'description', 'published',
    'slug', 'title', 'content', 'html']
repr_include = ['date', 'description', 'published', 'slug', 'title']

init source

        def __init__(self, **data) -> None:

                include: post attributes to include by default in Post
                model serialization.
                repr_include: post attributes to include by default in Post
                repr.  If `repr_include` is None, it will default to
                `include`, but it is likely that you want less in the repr
                than serialized output.


                ``` toml title='markata.toml'
                include = ['date', 'description', 'published',
                    'slug', 'title', 'content', 'html']
                repr_include = ['date', 'description', 'published', 'slug', 'title']

repr_include_validator method

repr_include_validator source

        def repr_include_validator(cls, v, *, values):
                if v:
                    return v
                return values.get("include", None)