

!! function

get_tag function

get_tag source

        def get_tag(params: str) -> Tuple[str, str, bool]:
            open = False
            if not params.strip():
                return "", "", open

            if params.strip().startswith("+"):
                params = params.strip("+")
                open = True

            tag, *_title = params.strip().split(" ")
            joined = " ".join(_title).strip('"').strip("'")

            title = ""
            if not joined:
                title = tag.title()
            elif joined != '""':
                title = joined
            return (tag.lower(), title, open)

!! function

validate function

validate source

        def validate(params: str) -> bool:
            tag = params.strip().split(" ", 1)[-1] or ""
            return bool(tag)

!! function

details function

details source

        def details(state: StateBlock, startLine: int, endLine: int, silent: bool) -> bool:
            start = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine]
            maximum = state.eMarks[startLine]

            # Check out the first character quickly, which should filter out most of non-containers
            if ord(state.src[start]) != MARKER_CHAR:
                return False

            # Check out the rest of the marker string
            pos = start + 1
            while pos <= maximum and MARKER_STR[(pos - start) % MARKER_LEN] == state.src[pos]:
                pos += 1

            marker_count = math.floor((pos - start) / MARKER_LEN)
            if marker_count < MIN_MARKERS:
                return False
            marker_pos = pos - ((pos - start) % MARKER_LEN)
            params = state.src[marker_pos:maximum]
            markup = state.src[start:marker_pos]

            if not validate(params):
                return False

            # Since start is found, we can report success here in validation mode
            if silent:
                return True

            old_parent = state.parentType
            old_line_max = state.lineMax
            old_indent = state.blkIndent

            blk_start = pos
            while blk_start < maximum and state.src[blk_start] == " ":
                blk_start += 1

            state.parentType = "details"
            state.blkIndent += blk_start - start

            was_empty = False

            # Search for the end of the block
            next_line = startLine
            while True:
                next_line += 1
                if next_line >= endLine:
                    # unclosed block should be autoclosed by end of document.
                    # also block seems to be autoclosed by end of parent
                pos = state.bMarks[next_line] + state.tShift[next_line]
                maximum = state.eMarks[next_line]
                is_empty = state.sCount[next_line] < state.blkIndent

                # two consecutive empty lines autoclose the block
                if is_empty and was_empty:
                was_empty = is_empty

                if pos < maximum and state.sCount[next_line] < state.blkIndent:
                    # non-empty line with negative indent should stop the block:
                    # - !!!
                    #  test

            # this will prevent lazy continuations from ever going past our end marker
            state.lineMax = next_line

            tag, title, open = get_tag(params)
            attrs = {"class": f"details {tag}"}
            if open:
                attrs["open"] = ""

            token = state.push("details_open", "details", 1)
            token.markup = markup
            token.block = True
            token.attrs = attrs
            token.meta = {"tag": tag}
            token.content = title
   = params
   = [startLine, next_line]

            if title:
                title_markup = f"{markup} {tag}"
                token = state.push("details_title_open", "summary", 1)
                token.markup = title_markup
                token.attrs = {"class": "admonition-title"}
       = [startLine, startLine + 1]

                token = state.push("inline", "", 0)
                token.content = title
       = [startLine, startLine + 1]
                token.children = []

                token = state.push("details_title_close", "summary", -1)
                token.markup = title_markup

  , startLine + 1, next_line)

            token = state.push("details_close", "details", -1)
            token.markup = state.src[start:pos]
            token.block = True

            state.parentType = old_parent
            state.lineMax = old_line_max
            state.blkIndent = old_indent
            state.line = next_line

            return True

!! function

details_plugin function

Plugin to use python-markdown style detailss <>_.

.. code-block:: md

    ??? note

Note, this is ported from

details_plugin source

        def details_plugin(md: MarkdownIt, render: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None:
            """Plugin to use
            `python-markdown style detailss

            .. code-block:: md

                ??? note

            Note, this is ported from

            def renderDefault(self, tokens, idx, _options, env):
                return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, _options, env)

            render = render or renderDefault

            md.add_render_rule("details_open", render)
            md.add_render_rule("details_close", render)
            md.add_render_rule("details_title_open", render)
            md.add_render_rule("details_title_close", render)

                {"alt": ["paragraph", "reference", "blockquote", "list"]},

!! function

renderDefault function

renderDefault source

        def renderDefault(self, tokens, idx, _options, env):
                return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, _options, env)