
Wikilinks depicted with \[[wikilinks]] can be enabled for sites using the markdown-it-py plugin markata will look through all posts matching up the file stem to the wiki link and inserting the slug as the href.

normal wikilink

Here is a link to a markdown file docs/, and the url becomes /nav.


When rendered out this wikilink will become an anchor link.

<a class="wikilink" href="/nav">load</a>

This behaves just like the standard wikilink

A special feature that markata brings is slug lookup. It is able to not only blindly link to the route specified, but will look up the slug of an article.

markata slug lookup

Markata has a load plugin that is generated with the docs plugin. It's filepath is markata/plugins/, so it can be referenced by the file stem load.


Markata will look up the article by the file stem, grab the first article, and use its slug as the href. This turns it into an anchor link that looks like this.

<a class="wikilink" href="/markata/plugins/load">load</a>

!! function

A plugin to create wikilinks tokens. These, token should be handled by the renderer.

???+ example

    ```md title=markdown

    ```html title=html
    <a class="wikilink" href="/nav">load</a>

wikilinks_plugin source

        def wikilinks_plugin(
            md: MarkdownIt,
            start_delimiter: str = "[",
            end_delimiter: str = "]",
            """A plugin to create wikilinks tokens.
            These, token should be handled by the renderer.

            ???+ example

                ```md title=markdown

                ```html title=html
                <a class="wikilink" href="/nav">load</a>

            start_char = ord(start_delimiter)
            end_char = ord(end_delimiter)

            def _wikilinks_inline(state: StateInline, silent: bool):
                    if (
                        state.srcCharCode[state.pos] != start_char
                        or state.srcCharCode[state.pos + 1] != start_char
                        return False
                except IndexError:
                    return False

                pos = state.pos + 2
                found_closing = False
                while True:
                        end = state.srcCharCode.index(end_char, pos)
                    except ValueError:
                        return False
                        if state.srcCharCode[end + 1] == end_char:
                            found_closing = True
                    except IndexError:
                        return False
                    pos = end + 2

                if not found_closing:
                    return False

                text = state.src[state.pos + 2 : end].strip()
                state.pos = end + 2

                if silent:
                    return True

                token = state.push("link_open", "a", 1)
                token.block = False
                token.attrSet("class", "wikilink")
                if "#" in text:
                    link, id = text.split("#")
                    link = link.strip("/")
                    link, id = text, None
                possible_pages = markata.filter(
                    f'str(path).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].replace("_", "-") == "{link.replace("_", "-")}"',
                if len(possible_pages) == 1:
                    link = possible_pages[0].get("slug", f"/{text}")
                elif len(possible_pages) > 1:
                        f"wikilink [[{text}]] ({link}, {id}) has duplicate matches, defaulting to the first",
                    link = possible_pages[0].get("slug", f"/{text}")
                        f"wikilink [[{text}]] ({link}, {id}) no matches, defaulting to '/{text}'",
                    link = text

                if id and not link.endswith(f"#{id}"):
                    link = f"{link}#{id}"

                token.attrSet("href", f"/{link}")
                content_token = state.push("text", "", 0)
                content_token.content = text

                token = state.push("link_close", "a", -1)
                token.content = text

                return True

            md.inline.ruler.before("escape", "wikilinks_inline", _wikilinks_inline)

!! function

_wikilinks_inline source

        def _wikilinks_inline(state: StateInline, silent: bool):
                    if (
                        state.srcCharCode[state.pos] != start_char
                        or state.srcCharCode[state.pos + 1] != start_char
                        return False
                except IndexError:
                    return False

                pos = state.pos + 2
                found_closing = False
                while True:
                        end = state.srcCharCode.index(end_char, pos)
                    except ValueError:
                        return False
                        if state.srcCharCode[end + 1] == end_char:
                            found_closing = True
                    except IndexError:
                        return False
                    pos = end + 2

                if not found_closing:
                    return False

                text = state.src[state.pos + 2 : end].strip()
                state.pos = end + 2

                if silent:
                    return True

                token = state.push("link_open", "a", 1)
                token.block = False
                token.attrSet("class", "wikilink")
                if "#" in text:
                    link, id = text.split("#")
                    link = link.strip("/")
                    link, id = text, None
                possible_pages = markata.filter(
                    f'str(path).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0].replace("_", "-") == "{link.replace("_", "-")}"',
                if len(possible_pages) == 1:
                    link = possible_pages[0].get("slug", f"/{text}")
                elif len(possible_pages) > 1:
                        f"wikilink [[{text}]] ({link}, {id}) has duplicate matches, defaulting to the first",
                    link = possible_pages[0].get("slug", f"/{text}")
                        f"wikilink [[{text}]] ({link}, {id}) no matches, defaulting to '/{text}'",
                    link = text

                if id and not link.endswith(f"#{id}"):
                    link = f"{link}#{id}"

                token.attrSet("href", f"/{link}")
                content_token = state.push("text", "", 0)
                content_token.content = text

                token = state.push("link_close", "a", -1)
                token.content = text

                return True