The markata.plugins.md_it_highlight_code plugin adds syntax highlighting to code blocks in your markdown content. It uses Pygments for highlighting and adds a copy button for easy code sharing.


This plugin is built-in and enabled by default through the 'default' plugin. If you want to be explicit, you can add it to your list of plugins:

hooks = [


Since this plugin is included in the default plugin set, to disable it you must explicitly add it to the disabled_hooks list if you are using the 'default' plugin:

disabled_hooks = [


Configure syntax highlighting in your markata.toml:

# Optional: Custom CSS class for code blocks
code_class = "highlight"

# Optional: Custom CSS class for copy button
copy_button_class = "copy-button"

# Optional: Custom copy button text
copy_button_text = "Copy"
copy_button_copied_text = "Copied!"


Code Highlighting

The plugin:

  1. Detects language from code block info
  2. Applies Pygments syntax highlighting
  3. Adds line numbers (optional)
  4. Wraps code in proper HTML structure
  5. Adds a copy-to-clipboard button

Example Usage

In markdown:

def hello_world():
    print("Hello, World!")

console.log('Hello, World!');

Generates HTML:

<div class="highlight">
  <button class="copy-button">
    <svg><!-- Copy icon SVG --></svg>
  <pre><code class="language-python">
    <span class="def">def</span> <span class="name">hello_world</span>():
        <span class="keyword">print</span>(<span class="string">"Hello, World!"</span>)

Supported Languages

The plugin supports all languages that Pygments recognizes, including:

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Bash/Shell
  • And many more

Copy Button


  • Hover-to-show button
  • Click-to-copy functionality
  • Success feedback
  • Accessible keyboard support


This plugin depends on:

  • Pygments for syntax highlighting
  • markdown-it-py for markdown parsing


highlight_code function

Code highlighter for markdown-it-py.

highlight_code source

def highlight_code(code, name, attrs, markata=None):
    """Code highlighter for markdown-it-py."""
    # from pygments import highlight
    # from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
    # from pygments.lexers import ClassNotFound, get_lexer_by_name

        lexer = get_lexer_by_name(name or "text")
    except ClassNotFound:
        lexer = get_lexer_by_name("text")

    import re

    pattern = r'(\w+)\s*=\s*(".*?"|\S+)'
    matches = re.findall(pattern, attrs)
    attrs = dict(matches)

    if attrs.get("hl_lines"):
        formatter = HtmlFormatter(hl_lines=attrs.get("hl_lines"))
        formatter = HtmlFormatter()

    copy_button = f"""<button class='copy' title='copy code to clipboard' onclick="navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector('pre').textContent)">{COPY_ICON}</button>"""

    from markdown_it import MarkdownIt

    md = MarkdownIt(
            "html": True,
            "typographer": True,

    if attrs.get("help"):
        help = f"""
        <a href={attrs.get("help").strip("<").strip(">").strip('"').strip("'")} title='help link' class='help'>{HELP_ICON}</a>
        help = ""
    if attrs.get("title"):
        file = f"""
<div class='filepath'>
<div class='right'>
        file = f"""
<div class='copy-wrapper'>
    return f"""<pre class='wrapper'>
{highlight(code, lexer, formatter)}