
The markata.plugins.jinja_md plugin enables Jinja2 templating within your markdown content. This allows you to dynamically generate content using Python expressions and access to the full Markata context.


This plugin is built-in and enabled by default through the 'default' plugin. If you want to be explicit, you can add it to your list of plugins:

hooks = [


Since this plugin is included in the default plugin set, to disable it you must explicitly add it to the disabled_hooks list if you are using the 'default' plugin:

disabled_hooks = [


Configure Jinja markdown settings in your markata.toml:

# List of files to ignore for Jinja processing
ignore = [


Template Variables

Your markdown has access to:

  • post: The current post being rendered
  • markata: The Markata instance with all configuration and posts

Example Usage

Access Post Metadata

# {{ post.title }}
{{ post.description }}

Published on: {{ post.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}

Generate Link Lists

{# One-liner list of all posts #}
{{ '\n'.join(markata.map('f"* [{title}]({slug})"', sort='slug')) }}

{# For-loop with filtering #}
{% for post in markata.map('post', filter='"git" in tags') %}
* [{{ post.title }}]({{ post.slug }})
{% endfor %}

Include Raw Files

{# Include file contents without processing #}
{% include_raw 'code/example.py' %}

Jinja Extensions

The plugin supports:

  1. Custom extensions via entrypoints
  2. Built-in extensions like include_raw
  3. Silent undefined variables
  4. Custom error messages

Error Handling

The plugin provides:

  • Custom error messages for template syntax errors
  • Silent handling of undefined variables
  • Detailed error reporting with file and line info


This plugin depends on:

  • Jinja2 for template processing
  • The render_markdown plugin for final HTML rendering


register_jinja_extensions function

Gets jinja extensions from entrypoints and loads them in.

Returns: List of jinja Extensions

register_jinja_extensions source

def register_jinja_extensions(config: dict) -> List[Extension]:
    Gets jinja extensions from entrypoints and loads them in.

    Returns: List of jinja Extensions

    import pkg_resources

    return [
        ep.load() for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group="markata.jinja_md")


_SilentUndefined class

silence undefined variable errors in jinja templates.


template = '{{ variable }}'
post.content = Template( template, undefined=_SilentUndefined).render()

_SilentUndefined source

class _SilentUndefined(Undefined):
    silence undefined variable errors in jinja templates.

    # Example
    template = '{{ variable }}'
    post.content = Template( template, undefined=_SilentUndefined).render()

    def _fail_with_undefined_error(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return ""


PostTemplateSyntaxError class

Custom error message for post template syntax errors.

PostTemplateSyntaxError source

class PostTemplateSyntaxError(TemplateSyntaxError):
    Custom error message for post template syntax errors.


pre_render function

jinja_md hook for markata to render your markdown post as a jinja template.

The post itself is exposed as post, and the markata instance is exposed as markata.

pre_render source

def pre_render(markata: "Markata") -> None:
    jinja_md hook for markata to render your markdown post as a jinja template.

    The post itself is exposed as `post`, and the markata instance is exposed
    as `markata`.

    config = markata.config.jinja_md
    ignore_spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", config.ignore)
    # for post in markata.iter_articles(description="jinja_md"):

    # jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(
    #     extensions=[IncludeRawExtension, *register_jinja_extensions(config)],
    # )
    jinja_env = markata.config.jinja_env
    jinja_env.undefined = _SilentUndefined

    for post in markata.filter("jinja==True"):
        if post.get("jinja", True) and not ignore_spec.match_file(post["path"]):
                key = markata.make_hash("jina_md", "pre_render", post.content)
                content_from_cache = markata.precache.get(key)
                if content_from_cache is None and post.content is not None:
                    post.content = jinja_env.from_string(post.content).render(
                    with markata.cache:
                        markata.cache.set(key, post.content)
                    post.content = content_from_cache
                # prevent double rendering
                post.jinja = False
            except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
                errorline = post.content.split("\n")[e.lineno - 1]
                msg = f"""
                Error while processing post {post["path"]}


                raise PostTemplateSyntaxError(msg, lineno=e.lineno)
            except UndefinedError as e:
                raise UndefinedError(f"{e} in {post['path']}")