
The markata.plugins.heading_link plugin adds clickable link icons next to headings in your HTML output. This makes it easy for readers to share direct links to specific sections of your content.


This plugin is built-in and enabled by default through the 'default' plugin. If you want to be explicit, you can add it to your list of plugins:

hooks = [


Since this plugin is included in the default plugin set, to disable it you must explicitly add it to the disabled_hooks list if you are using the 'default' plugin:

disabled_hooks = [


This plugin requires no explicit configuration. It automatically processes all headings in your HTML content.


The plugin:

  1. Finds all heading elements (h1-h6) in the HTML
  2. Adds an SVG link icon next to each heading
  3. Makes the icon clickable to copy the direct URL
  4. Uses heading text to generate URL-safe anchor IDs

HTML Output

For each heading, the plugin adds:

<h2 id="my-heading">
    My Heading
    <a class="heading-link" href="#my-heading">
        <svg><!-- Link icon SVG --></svg>

URL Structure

Generated URLs follow this pattern:

  • Base URL: The page's URL
  • Anchor: #heading-text-as-slug


  • https://example.com/post/#my-heading-section


This plugin depends on:

  • BeautifulSoup4 for HTML parsing and modification
  • The render_markdown plugin to provide HTML content


post_render function

This plugin creates a link svg next to all headings.

post_render source

def post_render(markata: Markata) -> None:
    This plugin creates a link svg next to all headings.

    with markata.cache as cache:
        for article in markata.iter_articles("link headers"):
            key = markata.make_hash(

            html_from_cache = markata.precache.get(key)

            if html_from_cache is not None:
                article.html = html_from_cache

            if isinstance(article.html, str):
                article.html = link_headings(article)
            elif isinstance(article.html, dict):
                article.html = {
                    slug: link_headings(type("Post", (), {"html": html}))
                    for slug, html in article.html.items()

            cache.set(key, article.html, expire=markata.config.default_cache_expire)


Use BeautifulSoup to find all headings and run link_heading on them.

link_headings source

def link_headings(article: "Post") -> str:
    Use BeautifulSoup to find all headings and run link_heading on them.
    soup = BeautifulSoup(article.html, "html.parser")
    for heading in soup.find_all(re.compile("^h[1-6]$")):
        if (
            not heading.find("a", {"class": "heading-permalink"})
            and heading.get("id", "") != "title"
            link_heading(soup, heading)
    return str(soup)


Mutate soup to include an svg link at the heading passed in.

link_heading source

def link_heading(soup: "bs4.BeautifulSoup", heading: "bs4.element.Tag") -> None:
    Mutate soup to include an svg link at the heading passed in.
    id = heading.get("id")

    link = soup.new_tag(
        title=f"link to #{id}",
        **{"class": "heading-permalink"},
    span = soup.new_tag("span", **{"class": "visually-hidden"})
    svg = soup.new_tag(
        viewBox="0 0 24 24",
            "aria-hidden": "true",

    path = soup.new_tag(
        d="M9.199 13.599a5.99 5.99 0 0 0 3.949 2.345 5.987 5.987 0 0 0 5.105-1.702l2.995-2.994a5.992 5.992 0 0 0 1.695-4.285 5.976 5.976 0 0 0-1.831-4.211 5.99 5.99 0 0 0-6.431-1.242 6.003 6.003 0 0 0-1.905 1.24l-1.731 1.721a.999.999 0 1 0 1.41 1.418l1.709-1.699a3.985 3.985 0 0 1 2.761-1.123 3.975 3.975 0 0 1 2.799 1.122 3.997 3.997 0 0 1 .111 5.644l-3.005 3.006a3.982 3.982 0 0 1-3.395 1.126 3.987 3.987 0 0 1-2.632-1.563A1 1 0 0 0 9.201 13.6zm5.602-3.198a5.99 5.99 0 0 0-3.949-2.345 5.987 5.987 0 0 0-5.105 1.702l-2.995 2.994a5.992 5.992 0 0 0-1.695 4.285 5.976 5.976 0 0 0 1.831 4.211 5.99 5.99 0 0 0 6.431 1.242 6.003 6.003 0 0 0 1.905-1.24l1.723-1.723a.999.999 0 1 0-1.414-1.414L9.836 19.81a3.985 3.985 0 0 1-2.761 1.123 3.975 3.975 0 0 1-2.799-1.122 3.997 3.997 0 0 1-.111-5.644l3.005-3.006a3.982 3.982 0 0 1 3.395-1.126 3.987 3.987 0 0 1 2.632 1.563 1 1 0 0 0 1.602-1.198z",