
The markata.plugins.flat_slug plugin handles URL slug generation for your articles. It sanitizes special characters that don't work in browsers and provides a consistent URL structure.


This plugin is built-in and enabled by default through the 'default' plugin. If you want to be explicit, you can add it to your list of plugins:

hooks = [


Since this plugin is included in the default plugin set, to disable it you must explicitly add it to the disabled_hooks list if you are using the 'default' plugin:

disabled_hooks = [

Note: Disabling this plugin will prevent automatic URL slug generation and sanitization.


Configure the plugin behavior in your markata.toml:

slugify = true  # Set to false to disable automatic slug sanitization


Explicit Slug in Frontmatter

If you explicitly set the slug in the frontmatter of a post, markata will not overwrite it:

title: My First Post
slug: /my-post

This is my first post it will be at `<markata.config.url>/my-post/`
regardless of filename.

Automatic Slug Based on Filename

By default the flat_slug plugin will use the stem of your filename (filename without extension) unless you explicitly set your slug in frontmatter.


  • /pages/my-post.md becomes <markata.config.url>/my-post/
  • /pages/blog/a-blog-post.md becomes <markata.config.url>/a-blog-post/

Registered Attributes

The plugin registers the following attributes on Post objects:

  • should_slugify: Boolean indicating if the post's slug should be sanitized


pre_render function

Sets the article slug if one is not already set in the frontmatter.

pre_render source

def pre_render(markata: "Markata") -> None:
    Sets the article slug if one is not already set in the frontmatter.
    from slugify import slugify

    for article in markata.iter_articles(description="creating slugs"):
        stem = article.get(
            Path(article.get("path", article.get("title", ""))).stem,
        if article.should_slugify:
            article.slug = "/".join([slugify(s) for s in stem.split("/")])
            article.slug = stem