The markata.plugins.feeds
plugin is used to create feed pages, which are lists of
posts. The list is generated using a filter
, then each post in the list is
rendered with a card_template
before being applied to the body
of the
This plugin is built-in and enabled by default, but in you want to be very explicit you can add it to your list of existing plugins.
hooks = [ "markata.plugins.feeds", ]
set default template and card_template
At the root of the markata.feeds config you may set template
, and
. These will become your defaults for every feed you create.
If you do not set these, markata will use it's defaults. The defaults are
designed to work for a variety of use cases, but are not likely the best for
[markata.feeds_config] template="pages/templates/archive_template.html" card_template="plugins/feed_card_template.html"
Underneath of the markata.feeds
we will create a new map for each page where
the name of the map will be the name of the page.
The following config will create a page at /all-posts
that inclues every
single post.
[[markata.feeds]] title="All Posts" slug='all' filter="True"
The template
configuration key is a file path to the template that you want
to use to create the feed. You may set the default template you want to use
for all feeds under [markata.feeds]
, as well as override it inside of each
feeds config.
The template is a jinja style template that expects to fill in a title
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>{{ title }}</title> </head> <body> <ul> {{ body }} </ul> </body> </html>
I highly reccomend putting your body
in a <ul>
, and wrapping your
s in an <li>
All keys available from each post is available to put into your jinja template. These can either be placed there in your post frontmatter, or through a plugin that automatically adds to the post before the save phase.
Here is a very simple example that would give a link to each post with the title and date.
[[markata.feeds]] slug='all' title='All Posts' filter="True" card_template=''' <li> <a href={{markata.config.get('path_prefix', '')}}{{slug}}> {{title}}-{{date}} </a> </li> '''
The filter is a python expression ran on every post that expects to return a
boolean. The variables available to this expression are every key in your
frontmatter, plus the timedelta
function, and parse
function to more easily
work with dates.
Feed Examples
True can be passed in to make a feed of all the posts you have.
[[markata.feeds]] slug='all' title='All Posts' filter="True"
You can compare against the values of the keys from your frontmatter. This
example creates a feed that includes every post where published is True
[[markata.feeds]] slug='draft' title='Draft' filter="published=='False'"
We can also compare against dates. The
plugin, automatically adds today
as today's date and now
as the current
datetime. These are quite handy to create feeds for scheduled, recent, or
today's posts. The following two examples will create a feed for scheduled
posts and for today's posts respectively.
[[markata.feeds]] slug='scheduled' title='Scheduled' filter="date>today" [[markata.feeds]] slug='today' title='Today' filter="date==today"
If you have list of items in your frontmatter for something like tags
, you
can check for the existence of a tag in the list.
[[markata.feeds]] slug='python' title='Python' filter="date<=today and 'python' in tags"
And of course you can combine all the things into larger expressions. Here is one example of the main feed on my blog.
[[markata.feeds]] slug='blog' title='Blog' filter="date<=today and templateKey in ['blog-post'] and published =='True'"
Here is another example that shows my drafts for a particular tag.
[[markata.feeds]] slug='python-draft' title='Python Draft' filter="date<=today and 'python' in tags and published=='False'"
By default feeds will create one feed page at /archive/
that includes all
[[markata.feeds]] slug='archive' title='All Posts' filter="True"
Feed class
A storage class for markata feed objects.
from markata import Markata m = Markata() # access posts for a feed m.feeds.docs.posts # access config for a feed m.feeds.docs.config
Feed source
class Feed(pydantic.BaseModel, JupyterMixin): """A storage class for markata feed objects. ## Usage ``` python from markata import Markata m = Markata() # access posts for a feed m.feeds.docs.posts # access config for a feed m.feeds.docs.config ``` """ config: FeedConfig markata: Markata = pydantic.Field(exclude=True) model_config = ConfigDict( validate_assignment=False, arbitrary_types_allowed=True, extra="allow", str_strip_whitespace=True, validate_default=True, coerce_numbers_to_str=True, populate_by_name=True, ) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the feed, used for accessing it in the feeds object.""" return self.config.name @property def posts(self): posts = self.map("post") if self.config.head is not None and self.config.tail is not None: head_posts = posts[: self.config.head] tail_posts = posts[-self.config.tail :] return PrettyList(head_posts + tail_posts) if self.config.head is not None: return PrettyList(posts[: self.config.head]) if self.config.tail is not None: return PrettyList(posts[-self.config.tail :]) return PrettyList(posts) def first( self: "Markata", ) -> list: return self.posts[0] def last( self: "Markata", ) -> list: return self.posts[-1] def map(self, func="post", **args): return self.markata.map(func, **{**self.config.dict(), **args}) @property def __rich_console__(self) -> "Console": return self.markata.console def __rich__(self) -> Table: table = Table(title=f"Feed: {self.name}") table.add_column("Post", justify="right", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("slug", justify="left", style="green") table.add_column("published", justify="left", style="green") for post in self.posts: table.add_row(post.title, post.slug, str(post.published)) return table
pre_render function
Create the Feeds object and attach it to markata.
pre_render source
def pre_render(markata: Markata) -> None: """ Create the Feeds object and attach it to markata. """ markata.feeds = Feeds(markata)
save function
Creates a new feed page for each page in the config.
save source
def save(markata: Markata) -> None: """ Creates a new feed page for each page in the config. """ with markata.cache as cache: for feed in markata.feeds.values(): create_page( markata, feed, cache, ) home = Path(str(markata.config.output_dir)) / "index.html" archive = Path(str(markata.config.output_dir)) / "archive" / "index.html" if not home.exists() and archive.exists(): shutil.copy(str(archive), str(home)) xsl_template = get_template(markata, feed.config.xsl_template) xsl = xsl_template.render( markata=markata, __version__=__version__, today=datetime.datetime.today(), config=markata.config, ) xsl_file = Path(markata.config.output_dir) / "rss.xsl" xsl_file.write_text(xsl)
create_page function
create an html unorderd list of posts.
create_page source
def create_page( markata: Markata, feed: Feed, cache, ) -> None: """ create an html unorderd list of posts. """ template = get_template(markata, feed.config.template) partial_template = get_template(markata, feed.config.partial_template) canonical_url = f"{markata.config.url}/{feed.config.slug}/" key = markata.make_hash( "feeds", template, __version__, # cards, markata.config.url, markata.config.description, feed.config.title, feed.map("content"), canonical_url, # datetime.datetime.today(), # markata.config, ) html_key = markata.make_hash(key, "html") html_partial_key = markata.make_hash(key, "partial_html") feed_rss_key = markata.make_hash(key, "rss") feed_sitemap_key = markata.make_hash(key, "sitemap") feed_html_from_cache = markata.precache.get(html_key) feed_html_partial_from_cache = markata.precache.get(html_partial_key) feed_rss_from_cache = markata.precache.get(feed_rss_key) feed_sitemap_from_cache = markata.precache.get(feed_sitemap_key) output_file = Path(markata.config.output_dir) / feed.config.slug / "index.html" output_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) partial_output_file = ( Path(markata.config.output_dir) / feed.config.slug / "partial" / "index.html" ) partial_output_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) rss_output_file = Path(markata.config.output_dir) / feed.config.slug / "rss.xml" rss_output_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) sitemap_output_file = ( Path(markata.config.output_dir) / feed.config.slug / "sitemap.xml" ) sitemap_output_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) from_cache = True if feed_html_from_cache is None: from_cache = False feed_html = template.render( markata=markata, __version__=__version__, post=feed.config.model_dump(), url=markata.config.url, config=markata.config, feed=feed, ) cache.set(html_key, feed_html) else: feed_html = feed_html_from_cache if feed_html_partial_from_cache is None: from_cache = False feed_html_partial = partial_template.render( markata=markata, __version__=__version__, post=feed.config.model_dump(), url=markata.config.url, config=markata.config, feed=feed, ) cache.set(html_partial_key, feed_html_partial) else: feed_html_partial = feed_html_partial_from_cache if feed_rss_from_cache is None: from_cache = False rss_template = get_template(markata, feed.config.rss_template) feed_rss = rss_template.render(markata=markata, feed=feed) cache.set(feed_rss_key, feed_rss) else: feed_rss = feed_rss_from_cache if feed_sitemap_from_cache is None: from_cache = False sitemap_template = get_template(markata, feed.config.sitemap_template) feed_sitemap = sitemap_template.render(markata=markata, feed=feed) cache.set(feed_sitemap_key, feed_sitemap) else: feed_sitemap = feed_sitemap_from_cache if ( from_cache and output_file.exists() and partial_output_file.exists() and rss_output_file.exists() and sitemap_output_file.exists() ): return output_file.write_text(feed_html) partial_output_file.write_text(feed_html_partial) rss_output_file.write_text(feed_rss) sitemap_output_file.write_text(feed_sitemap)
create_card function
Creates a card for one post based on the configured template. If no template is configured it will create one with the post title and dates (if present).
create_card source
def create_card( markata: "Markata", post: "Post", template: Optional[str] = None, cache=None, ) -> Any: """ Creates a card for one post based on the configured template. If no template is configured it will create one with the post title and dates (if present). """ key = markata.make_hash("feeds", template, str(post), post.content) card = markata.precache.get(key) if card is not None: return card if template is None: template = markata.config.get("feeds_config", {}).get("card_template", None) if template is None: if "date" in post: card = textwrap.dedent( f""" <li class='post'> <a href="/{markata.config.path_prefix}{post.slug}/"> {post.title} {post.date.year}- {post.date.month}- {post.date.day} </a> </li> """, ) else: card = textwrap.dedent( f""" <li class='post'> <a href="/{markata.config.path_prefix}{post.slug}/"> {post.title} </a> </li> """, ) else: try: _template = Template(Path(template).read_text()) except FileNotFoundError: _template = Template(template) except OSError: # File name too long _template = Template(template) card = _template.render(post=post, **post.to_dict()) cache.add(key, card) return card
Feeds class
A storage class for all markata Feed objects
from markata import Markata markata = Markata() markata.feeds # access all config markata.feeds.config # refresh list of posts in all feeds markata.feeds.refresh() # iterating over feeds gives the name of the feed for k in markata.feeds: print(k) # project-gallery # docs # autodoc # core_modules # plugins # archive # iterate over items like keys and values in a dict, items returns name of # feed and a feed object for k, v in markata.feeds.items(): print(k, len(v.posts)) # project-gallery 2 # docs 6 # autodoc 65 # core_modules 26 # plugins 39 # archive 65 # values can be iterated over in just the same way for v in markata.feeds.values(): print(len(v.posts)) # 2 # 6 # 65 # 26 # 39 # 65
Feeds source
class Feeds(JupyterMixin): """A storage class for all markata Feed objects ``` python from markata import Markata markata = Markata() markata.feeds # access all config markata.feeds.config # refresh list of posts in all feeds markata.feeds.refresh() # iterating over feeds gives the name of the feed for k in markata.feeds: print(k) # project-gallery # docs # autodoc # core_modules # plugins # archive # iterate over items like keys and values in a dict, items returns name of # feed and a feed object for k, v in markata.feeds.items(): print(k, len(v.posts)) # project-gallery 2 # docs 6 # autodoc 65 # core_modules 26 # plugins 39 # archive 65 # values can be iterated over in just the same way for v in markata.feeds.values(): print(len(v.posts)) # 2 # 6 # 65 # 26 # 39 # 65 """ def __init__(self, markata: Markata) -> None: self.markata = markata self.config = {f.name: f for f in markata.config.feeds} self.refresh() def refresh(self): """Refresh all of the feeds objects""" for feed_config in self.markata.config.feeds: # Ensure feed has a name, falling back to slug if needed if feed_config.name is None and feed_config.slug is not None: feed_config.name = feed_config.slug.replace("-", "_") elif feed_config.name is None and feed_config.slug is None: feed_config.slug = "archive" feed_config.name = "archive" feed = Feed(config=feed_config, markata=self.markata) self.__setattr__(feed.name, feed) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.config.keys()) def keys(self): return iter(self.config.keys()) def values(self): return [self[feed] for feed in self.config.keys()] def items(self): return [(key, self[key]) for key in self.config] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return getattr(self, key.replace("-", "_").lower()) def get(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: return getattr(self, key.replace("-", "_").lower(), default) def _dict_panel(self, config) -> str: """pretty print configs with rich""" msg = "" for key, value in config.items(): if isinstance(value, str): if len(value) > 50: value = value[:50] + "..." value = value msg = msg + f"[grey46]{key}[/][magenta3]:[/] [grey66]{value}[/]\n" return msg def __rich__(self) -> Table: table = Table(title=f"Feeds {len(self.config)}") table.add_column("Feed", justify="right", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("posts", justify="left", style="green") table.add_column("config", style="magenta") for name in self.config: table.add_row( name, str(len(self[name].posts)), self._dict_panel(self.config[name].dict()), ) return table
name method
The name of the feed, used for accessing it in the feeds object.
name source
def name(self) -> str: """The name of the feed, used for accessing it in the feeds object.""" return self.config.name
feeds function
feeds cli
feeds source
def feeds(): "feeds cli"
refresh method
Refresh all of the feeds objects
refresh source
def refresh(self): """Refresh all of the feeds objects""" for feed_config in self.markata.config.feeds: # Ensure feed has a name, falling back to slug if needed if feed_config.name is None and feed_config.slug is not None: feed_config.name = feed_config.slug.replace("-", "_") elif feed_config.name is None and feed_config.slug is None: feed_config.slug = "archive" feed_config.name = "archive" feed = Feed(config=feed_config, markata=self.markata) self.__setattr__(feed.name, feed)
_dict_panel method
pretty print configs with rich
_dict_panel source
def _dict_panel(self, config) -> str: """pretty print configs with rich""" msg = "" for key, value in config.items(): if isinstance(value, str): if len(value) > 50: value = value[:50] + "..." value = value msg = msg + f"[grey46]{key}[/][magenta3]:[/] [grey66]{value}[/]\n" return msg