The plugin automatically generates documentation pages from Python source code docstrings. It parses Python files, extracts docstrings and code structure, and creates markdown documentation.


This plugin is built-in and enabled by default through the 'default' plugin. If you want to be explicit, you can add it to your list of plugins:

hooks = [


Since this plugin is included in the default plugin set, to disable it you must explicitly add it to the disabled_hooks list if you are using the 'default' plugin:

disabled_hooks = [


Configure documentation generation in your markata.toml:

# Directories containing Python files to document
content_directories = [

# Template for generated documentation
template = "docs/"

Template Variables

The following variables are available in documentation templates:

  • module: Module name
  • docstring: Module docstring
  • classes: List of class definitions and their docstrings
  • functions: List of function definitions and their docstrings
  • source: Path to source file
  • ast: Abstract Syntax Tree of the module


Documentation Generation

The plugin:

  1. Finds Python files in configured directories
  2. Parses files using Python's AST
  3. Extracts docstrings and code structure
  4. Applies templates to generate markdown
  5. Creates documentation pages in the output directory

AST Analysis

The plugin analyzes:

  • Module-level docstrings
  • Class definitions and docstrings
  • Function definitions and docstrings
  • Function parameters and return types
  • Code structure and relationships

Registered Attributes

The plugin adds these attributes to Markata:

  • py_files: List of Python files being documented
  • content_directories: List of directories being processed


This plugin depends on:

  • ast (Python standard library) for code parsing
  • jinja2 for template rendering


glob function

finds k


markata the markata object

glob source

def glob(markata: "MarkataDocs") -> None:
    finds k

    ## Parameters

    `markata` the markata object


    import glob

    markata.py_files = [Path(f) for f in glob.glob("**/*.py", recursive=True)]

    content_directories = list({f.parent for f in markata.py_files})
    if "content_directories" in markata.__dict__:
        markata.content_directories = content_directories

        ignore = True
    except KeyError:
        ignore = True

    if ignore and (Path(".gitignore").exists() or Path(".markataignore").exists()):
        import pathspec

        lines = []

        if Path(".gitignore").exists():

        if Path(".markataignore").exists():

    spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", lines)

    markata.py_files = [
        file for file in markata.py_files if not spec.match_file(str(file))


load function

similar to glob

load source

def load(markata: "MarkataDocs") -> None:
    similar to [glob](../glob)
    # if "articles" not in markata.__dict__:
    #     markata.articles = []
    for py_file in markata.py_files:
        with markata.cache as cache:
            markata.articles.append(make_article(markata, py_file, cache))