leading docstring
!! function
add_parents function
add_parents source
def add_parents(tree: ast.AST) -> None: for node in ast.walk(tree): for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node): child.parent = node if not hasattr(child, "parents"): child.parents = [node] child.parents.append(node) if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef) and isinstance(child, ast.FunctionDef): child.type = "method" elif isinstance(child, ast.FunctionDef): child.type = "function" elif isinstance(child, ast.ClassDef): child.type = "class"
!! function
glob function
finds k## Parameters
`markata` the markata object
glob source
def glob(markata: "MarkataDocs") -> None: """ finds k ## Parameters `markata` the markata object """ import glob markata.py_files = [Path(f) for f in glob.glob("**/*.py", recursive=True)] content_directories = list({f.parent for f in markata.py_files}) if "content_directories" in markata.__dict__: markata.content_directories.extend(content_directories) else: markata.content_directories = content_directories try: ignore = True except KeyError: ignore = True if ignore and (Path(".gitignore").exists() or Path(".markataignore").exists()): import pathspec lines = [] if Path(".gitignore").exists(): lines.extend(Path(".gitignore").read_text().splitlines()) if Path(".markataignore").exists(): lines.extend(Path(".markataignore").read_text().splitlines()) spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", lines) markata.py_files = [ file for file in markata.py_files if not spec.match_file(str(file)) ]
!! function
get_template function
get_template source
def get_template(): jinja_env = jinja2.Environment() template = jinja_env.from_string( (Path(__file__).parent / "").read_text(), ) return template
!! function
make_article function
make_article source
def make_article(markata: "Markata", file: Path, cache) -> frontmatter.Post: with open(file) as f: raw_source = key = markata.make_hash("docs", "file", raw_source) slug = f"{file.parent}/{slugify(file.stem)}".lstrip("/").lstrip("./") output_html = markata.config.output_dir / slug / "index.html" edit_link = ( str(markata.config.get("repo_url", "")) + "edit/" + str(markata.config.get("repo_branch", "main")) + "/" + str(file) ) article_from_cache = markata.precache.get(key) if article_from_cache is not None: article = article_from_cache else: tree = ast.parse(raw_source) add_parents(tree) nodes = [ n for n in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(n, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)) ] article = get_template().render( ast=ast, file=file, slug=slug, edit_link=edit_link, tree=tree, datetime=datetime, nodes=nodes, raw_source=raw_source, indent=textwrap.indent, ) cache.add( key, article, expire=markata.config.default_cache_expire, ) try: article = markata.Post( markata=markata, path=str(file).replace(".py", ".md"), output_html=output_html,, content=article, file=file, slug=slug, edit_link=edit_link, # enable sidebar in the future # sidebar="plugins", ) except pydantic.ValidationError as e: from markata.plugins.load import ValidationError, get_models models = get_models(markata=markata, error=e) models = list(models.values()) models = "\n".join(models) raise ValidationError(f"{e}\n\n{models}\nfailed to load {path}") from e return article
!! function
load function
similar to globload source
def load(markata: "MarkataDocs") -> None: """ similar to [glob](../glob) """ if "articles" not in markata.__dict__: markata.articles = [] for py_file in markata.py_files: with markata.cache as cache: markata.articles.append(make_article(markata, py_file, cache))
!! class
MarkataDocs class
MarkataDocs source
class MarkataDocs(Markata): py_files: List = [] content_directories: List = []