The markata.plugins.create_covers plugin is a simplified version of the covers plugin. It generates basic cover images with titles using a single template and font configuration.


This plugin is built-in but NOT enabled by default. To use it, add it to your plugins:

hooks = [


Since this plugin is not in the default plugin set, simply remove it from your hooks list to disable it:

hooks = [
    # Remove or comment out the line below
    # "markata.plugins.create_covers",


Configure basic cover settings in your markata.toml:

template = "static/cover-template.png"  # Base template image
font = "./static/OpenSans-Regular.ttf"  # Font file for title
font_color = "rgb(255,255,255)"        # Title color (white)


Cover Generation

The plugin:

  1. Loads a single template image
  2. Draws the post title using the configured font
  3. Automatically sizes text to fit within image bounds
  4. Saves the cover as PNG in the output directory

File Naming

Generated files are named:

  • <slug>.png in the output directory


This plugin depends on:

  • Pillow (PIL) for image manipulation

Note: For more advanced cover generation with multiple templates and text positioning, use the markata.plugins.covers plugin instead.