Example configuration. Covers supports multiple covers to be configured. Here is an example from my blog where we have a template sized for and one sized for open graph. Each image takes it's own configuration.
[[markata.covers]] name='-dev' template = "static/cover-template.png" font = "./static/JosefinSans-Regular.ttf" text_font = "./static/JosefinSans-Regular.ttf" font_color = "rgb(185,155,165)" text_font_color = "rgb(255,255,255)" text_key = 'description' padding = [0, 40, 100, 300] text_padding = [0,0] [[markata.covers]] name='' template = "static/og-template.png" font = "./static/JosefinSans-Regular.ttf" font_color = "rgb(255,255,255)" text_font = "./static/JosefinSans-Regular.ttf" text_font_color = "rgb(200,200,200)" text_key = 'description' padding = [10, 10, 100, 300] text_padding = [0,0]
!! function
_load_font function
_load_font source
def _load_font(path: Path, size: int) -> ImageFont.FreeTypeFont: return ImageFont.truetype(path, size=size)
!! function
get_font function
get_font source
def get_font( path: Path, draw: ImageDraw.Draw, title: str, size: int = 250, max_size: tuple = (800, 220), ) -> ImageFont.FreeTypeFont: title = title or "" font = _load_font(path, size) current_size = draw.textsize(title, font=font) if current_size[0] > max_size[0] or current_size[1] > max_size[1]: return get_font(path, draw, title, size - 10, max_size=max_size) return font
!! class
PaddingError class
PaddingError source
class PaddingError(BaseException): def __init__( self, msg: str = "", ) -> None: super().__init__( "Padding must be an iterable of length 1, 2, 3, or 4.\n" + msg, )
!! function
draw_text function
draw_text source
def draw_text( image: Image, font_path: Optional[Path], text: str, color: Union[str, None], padding: Tuple[int, ...], markata: "Markata", ) -> None: text = text or "" draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) padding = resolve_padding(padding, markata) width = image.size[0] height = image.size[1] bounding_box = [padding[0], padding[1], width - padding[0], height - padding[1]] bounding_box = [padding[0], padding[1], width - padding[2], height - padding[3]] max_size = (bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0], bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) x1, y1, x2, y2 = bounding_box font = get_font(font_path, draw, text, max_size=max_size) if font_path else None w, h = draw.textsize(text, font=font) x = (x2 - x1 - w) / 2 + x1 y = (y2 - y1 - h) / 2 + y1 draw.text((x, y), text, fill=color, font=font, align="center")
!! function
resolve_padding function
Convert padding to a len 4 tupleresolve_padding source
def resolve_padding(padding: Tuple[int, ...], markata: "Markata") -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Convert padding to a len 4 tuple""" if len(padding) == 4: return padding if len(padding) == 3: return (*padding, padding[1]) if len(padding) == 2: return padding * 2 if len(padding) == 1: return padding * 4 raise PaddingError(f"recieved padding: {padding}")
!! function
make_cover function
make_cover source
def make_cover( title: str, color: str, output_path: Path, template_path: Path, font_path: Optional[Path], padding: Tuple[int, ...], text_font: Path, text: str = None, text_font_color: str = None, text_padding: Tuple[int, ...] = None, resizes: List[int] = None, markata: "Markata" = None, ) -> None: if output_path.exists(): return image = if template_path else"RGB", (800, 450)) draw_text( image=image, font_path=font_path, title=title, color=color, padding=padding, markata=markata, ) if text is not None: if text_padding is None: text_padding = ( image.size[1] - image.size[1] / 5, image.size[0] / 5, image.size[1] - image.size[1] / 10, ) draw_text(image, text_font, text, text_font_color, text_padding) ratio = image.size[1] / image.size[0] covers = [] if resizes: for width in resizes: re_img = image.resize((width, int(width * ratio)), Image.ANTIALIAS) filename = ( f"{output_path.stem}_{width}x{int(width*ratio)}{output_path.suffix}" ) covers.append(filename) filepath = Path(output_path.parent / filename)
!! function
save function
save source
def save(markata: "Markata") -> None: futures = [] if "covers" not in markata.config.keys(): return for article in markata.iter_articles("making covers"): for cover in markata.config["covers"]: try: padding = cover["padding"] except KeyError: padding = ( 200, 100, ) try: text_padding = cover["text_padding"] except KeyError: text_padding = ( 200, 100, ) if "text_key" in cover: try: text = article.metadata[cover["text_key"]] except AttributeError: text = article[cover["text_key"]] try: text = text.replace("\n", "") from more_itertools import chunked text = "\n".join(["".join(c) for c in chunked(text, 60)]) except AttributeError: # text is likely None pass text_font = cover["text_font"] text_font_color = cover["text_font_color"] else: text = None text_font = None text_font_color = None try: title = article.metadata["title"] except AttributeError: title = article["title"] futures.append( make_cover( title=title, color=cover["font_color"], output_path=Path(markata.config.output_dir) / (article["slug"] + cover["name"] + ".png"), template_path=cover.get("template", None), font_path=cover.get("font", None), padding=padding, text_font=text_font, text=text, text_font_color=text_font_color, text_padding=text_padding, resizes=cover.get("resizes"), markata=markata, ), ) progress = Progress( BarColumn(bar_width=None), transient=True, console=markata.console, ) task_id = progress.add_task("loading markdown") progress.update(task_id, total=len(futures)) with progress: while not all(f.done() for f in futures): time.sleep(0.1) progress.update(task_id, total=len([f for f in futures if f.done()])) [f.result() for f in futures]
!! method
init method
init source
def __init__( self, msg: str = "", ) -> None: super().__init__( "Padding must be an iterable of length 1, 2, 3, or 4.\n" + msg, )