
A Markata plugin to create automatic descriptions for markdown documents. It does this by grabbing the first {len} number of characters from the document that are in a paragraph.


Open up your markata.toml file and add new entries for your auto_descriptions. You can have multiple desriptions, each one will be named after the key you give it in your config.


# make sure its in your list of hooks



Make sure that you have the auto_description plugin in your configured hooks.

In the above we will end up with three different descritpions, (description, long_description, and super_description) each will be the first number of characters from the document as specified in the config.


By default markata will set description to 160 and long_description to 250, if they are not set in your config.

Using the Description

Downstream hooks can now use the description for things such as seo, or feeds. Here is a simple example that lists all of the descriptions in all posts. This is a handy thing you can do right from a repl.

from markata import Markata
m = Markata()
[p["description"] for p in m.articles]

!! function

get_description function

Get the full-length description for a single post using the commonmark parser. Only paragraph nodes will count as text towards the description.

get_description source

        def get_description(article: "Post") -> str:
            Get the full-length description for a single post using the commonmark
            parser.  Only paragraph nodes will count as text towards the description.
            ast = _parser.parse(article.content)

            # find all paragraph nodes
            paragraph_nodes = [
                for n in ast.walker()
                if n[0].t == "paragraph" and n[0].first_child.literal is not None
            # for reasons unknown to me commonmark duplicates nodes, dedupe based on sourcepos
            sourcepos = [p.sourcepos for p in paragraph_nodes]
            # find first occurence of node based on source position
            unique_mask = [sourcepos.index(s) == i for i, s in enumerate(sourcepos)]
            # deduplicate paragraph_nodes based on unique source position
            unique_paragraph_nodes = list(compress(paragraph_nodes, unique_mask))
            paragraphs = " ".join([p.first_child.literal for p in unique_paragraph_nodes])
            paragraphs = html.escape(paragraphs)
            return paragraphs

!! function

set_description function

For a given article, find the description, put it in the cache, and set the configured descriptions for the article.

set_description source

        def set_description(
            markata: "Markata",
            article: "Post",
            cache: "FanoutCache",
            config: Dict,
            max_description: int = 500,
            plugin_text: None = "",
        ) -> None:
            For a given `article`, find the description, put it in the cache, and set
            the configured descriptions for the article.
            key = markata.make_hash(

            description_from_cache = markata.precache.get(key)
            if description_from_cache is None:
                description = get_description(article)[:max_description]
                markata.cache.add(key, description, expire=markata.config.default_cache_expire)
                description = description_from_cache

            for description_key in config:
                if description_key not in ["cache_expire", "config_key"]:
                    # overwrites missing (None) and empty ('')
                    if not article.metadata.get(description_key):
                        article.metadata[description_key] = description[
                            : config[description_key]["len"]

!! function

pre_render function

The Markata hook that will set descriptions for all posts in the pre-render phase.

pre_render source

        def pre_render(markata: "Markata") -> None:
            The Markata hook that will set descriptions for all posts in the pre-render phase.
            config = markata.get_plugin_config(__file__)

            if "description" not in config.keys():
                config["description"] = {}
                config["description"]["len"] = 160

            if "long_description" not in config.keys():
                config["long_description"] = {}
                config["long_description"]["len"] = 250

            def try_config_get(key: str) -> Any:
                    return config.get(key).get("len") or None
                except AttributeError:
                    return None

            max_description = max(
                    for description_key in config
                    if (value := try_config_get(description_key))

            with markata.cache as cache:
                for article in markata.iter_articles("setting auto description"):

!! function

try_config_get function

try_config_get source

        def try_config_get(key: str) -> Any:
                    return config.get(key).get("len") or None
                except AttributeError:
                    return None