Markata is a tool for handling directories of markdown.
teardown method
Cleanup and print statistics when Markata is done.teardown source
def teardown(self: "Markata"): """Cleanup and print statistics when Markata is done.""" # Print map cache statistics if they exist if hasattr(self, "_map_cache_stats"): stats = self._map_cache_stats total = stats["total"] if total > 0: hit_rate = (stats["hits"] / total) * 100 self.console.print("\n[yellow]Map Cache Statistics:[/yellow]") self.console.print(f"Total calls: {total}") self.console.print(f"Cache hits: {stats['hits']}") self.console.print(f"Cache misses: {stats['misses']}") self.console.print(f"Hit rate: {hit_rate:.1f}%") self.console.print( f"Cache size: {len(getattr(self, '_filtered_cache', {}))}" ) if self.stages_ran: self._pm.hook.teardown(markata=self) return self
_compile_sort_key method
Compile a sort key function for better performance_compile_sort_key source
def _compile_sort_key(self, sort: str): """Compile a sort key function for better performance""" if "datetime" in sort.lower(): return lambda a: a.get(sort, datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)) if "date" in sort.lower(): return lambda a: a.get(sort, datetime.date(1970, 1, 1)) # Create a compiled function for complex sort expressions try: code = compile(sort, "<string>", "eval") def sort_key(a): try: value = eval(code, a.to_dict(), {}) if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return value if hasattr(value, "timestamp"): return value.timestamp() if isinstance(value, datetime.date): return datetime.datetime.combine( value, datetime.datetime.min.time(), ).timestamp() return sum(ord(c) for c in str(value)) except Exception: return -1 return sort_key except Exception: return lambda _: -1
_get_sort_key method
Cache compiled sort key functions_get_sort_key source
def _get_sort_key(self, sort: str): """Cache compiled sort key functions""" return self._compile_sort_key(sort)
_get_eval_globals method
Get common globals used in eval operations_get_eval_globals source
def _get_eval_globals(self): """Get common globals used in eval operations""" if not hasattr(self, "_eval_globals"): self._eval_globals = {"timedelta": timedelta} return self._eval_globals
_eval_with_article method
Evaluate code with article context, reusing dict where possible_eval_with_article source
def _eval_with_article(self, code, article, extra_globals=None): """Evaluate code with article context, reusing dict where possible""" if not hasattr(article, "_eval_dict"): article._eval_dict = article.to_dict() article._eval_dict.update({"post": article, "m": self}) globals_dict = self._get_eval_globals() if extra_globals: globals_dict.update(extra_globals) try: return eval(code, article._eval_dict, globals_dict) except Exception: return None