Markata is a tool for handling directories of markdown.
!! class
HooksConfig class
HooksConfig source
class HooksConfig(pydantic.BaseModel): hooks: list = ["default"] disabled_hooks: list = []
!! class
Markata class
Markata source
class Markata: def __init__(self: "Markata", console: Console = None, config=None) -> None: self.__version__ = __version__ self.stages_ran = set() self.threded = False self._cache = None self._precache = None self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR = Path(".") / ".markata.cache" self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self._pm = pluggy.PluginManager("markata") self._pm.add_hookspecs(hookspec.MarkataSpecs) if config is not None: self.config = config with self.cache as cache: self.init_cache_stats = cache.stats() self.registered_attrs = hookspec.registered_attrs self.post_models = [] self.config_models = [] if config is not None: raw_hooks = config else: raw_hooks = standard_config.load("markata") self.hooks_conf = HooksConfig.parse_obj(raw_hooks) try: default_index = self.hooks_conf.hooks.index("default") hooks = [ *self.hooks_conf.hooks[:default_index], *DEFAULT_HOOKS, *self.hooks_conf.hooks[default_index + 1 :], ] self.hooks_conf.hooks = [ hook for hook in hooks if hook not in self.hooks_conf.disabled_hooks ] except ValueError: # 'default' is not in hooks , do not replace with default_hooks pass self._register_hooks() if console is not None: self._console = console atexit.register(self.teardown) self.precache @property def cache(self: "Markata") -> Cache: # if self.threded: # FanoutCache(self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR, statistics=True) if self._cache is not None: return self._cache self._cache = Cache(self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR, statistics=True) return self._cache @property def precache(self: "Markata") -> None: if self._precache is None: self.cache.expire() self._precache = {k: self.cache.get(k) for k in self.cache.iterkeys()} return self._precache def __getattr__(self: "Markata", item: str) -> Any: if item in self._pm.hook.__dict__: # item is a hook, return a callable function return lambda: self.run(item) if item in self.__dict__: # item is an attribute, return it return self.__getitem__(item) elif item in self.registered_attrs: # item is created by a plugin, run it stage_to_run_to = max( [attr["lifecycle"] for attr in self.registered_attrs[item]], ).name self.console.log( f"Running to [purple]{stage_to_run_to}[/] to retrieve [purple]{item}[/]" ) self.run(stage_to_run_to) return getattr(self, item) elif item == "precache": return self._precache or {} else: # Markata does not know what this is, raise raise AttributeError(f"'Markata' object has no attribute '{item}'") def __rich__(self: "Markata") -> Table: grid = Table.grid() grid.add_column("label") grid.add_column("value") for label, value in self.describe().items(): grid.add_row(label, value) return grid def bust_cache(self: "Markata") -> Markata: with self.cache as cache: cache.clear() return self def configure(self) -> Markata: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) # self.config = {**DEFUALT_CONFIG, **standard_config.load("markata")} # if isinstance(self.config["glob_patterns"], str): # self.config["glob_patterns"] = self.config["glob_patterns"].split(",") # elif isinstance(self.config["glob_patterns"], list): # self.config["glob_patterns"] = list(self.config["glob_patterns"]) # else: # raise TypeError("glob_patterns must be list or str") # self.glob_patterns = self.config["glob_patterns"] # self.hooks = self.config["hooks"] # if "disabled_hooks" not in self.config: # self.disabled_hooks = [""] # if isinstance(self.config["disabled_hooks"], str): # self.disabled_hooks = self.config["disabled_hooks"].split(",") # if isinstance(self.config["disabled_hooks"], list): # self.disabled_hooks = self.config["disabled_hooks"] # if not self.config.get("output_dir", "markout").endswith( # self.config.get("path_prefix", "") # ): # self.config["output_dir"] = ( # self.config.get("output_dir", "markout") + # "/" + # self.config.get("path_prefix", "").rstrip("/") # ) # if ( # len((output_split := self.config.get("output_dir", "markout").split("/"))) > # 1 # ): # if "path_prefix" not in self.config.keys(): # self.config["path_prefix"] = "/".join(output_split[1:]) + "/" # if not self.config.get("path_prefix", "").endswith("/"): # self.config["path_prefix"] = self.config.get("path_prefix", "") + "/" # self.config["output_dir"] = self.config["output_dir"].lstrip("/") # self.config["path_prefix"] = self.config["path_prefix"].lstrip("/") try: default_index = self.hooks_conf.hooks.index("default") hooks = [ *self.hooks_conf.hooks[:default_index], *DEFAULT_HOOKS, *self.hooks_conf.hooks[default_index + 1 :], ] self.config.hooks = [ hook for hook in hooks if hook not in self.config.disabled_hooks ] except ValueError: # 'default' is not in hooks , do not replace with default_hooks pass self._pm = pluggy.PluginManager("markata") self._pm.add_hookspecs(hookspec.MarkataSpecs) self._register_hooks() self._pm.hook.configure(markata=self) return self def get_plugin_config(self, path_or_name: str) -> Dict: key = Path(path_or_name).stem config = self.config.get(key, {}) if not isinstance(config, dict): raise TypeError("must use dict") if "cache_expire" not in config.keys(): config["cache_expire"] = self.config["default_cache_expire"] if "config_key" not in config.keys(): config["config_key"] = key return config def get_config( self, key: str, default: str = "", warn: bool = True, suggested: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: if key in self.config.keys(): return self.config[key] else: if suggested is None: suggested = textwrap.dedent( f""" [markata] {key} = '{default}' """ ) if warn: logger.warning( textwrap.dedent( f""" Warning {key} is not set in markata config, sitemap will be missing root site_name to resolve this open your markata.toml and add {suggested} """ ), ) return default def make_hash(self, *keys: str) -> str: import xxhash str_keys = [str(key) for key in keys] hash = xxhash.xxh64("".join(str_keys).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() return hash @property def content_dir_hash(self: "Markata") -> str: hashes = [ dirhash(dir) for dir in self.content_directories if dir.absolute() != Path(".").absolute() ] return self.make_hash(*hashes) @property def console(self: "Markata") -> Console: try: return self._console except AttributeError: self._console = Console() return self._console def describe(self: "Markata") -> dict[str, str]: return {"version": __version__} def _to_dict(self: "Markata") -> dict[str, Iterable]: return {"config": self.config, "articles": [a.to_dict() for a in self.articles]} def to_dict(self: "Markata") -> dict: return self._to_dict() def to_json(self: "Markata") -> str: import json return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str) def _register_hooks(self: "Markata") -> None: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) for hook in self.hooks_conf.hooks: try: # module style plugins plugin = importlib.import_module(hook) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: # class style plugins if "." in hook: try: mod = importlib.import_module(".".join(hook.split(".")[:-1])) plugin = getattr(mod, hook.split(".")[-1]) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"module {hook} not found\n{sys.path}" ) from e else: raise e self._pm.register(plugin) def __iter__( self: "Markata", description: str = "working..." ) -> Iterable["Markata.Post"]: articles: Iterable[Markata.Post] = track( self.articles, description=description, transient=False, console=self.console, ) return articles def iter_articles(self: "Markata", description: str) -> Iterable[Markata.Post]: articles: Iterable[Markata.Post] = track( self.articles, description=description, transient=True, console=self.console, ) return articles def teardown(self: "Markata") -> Markata: """give special access to the teardown lifecycle method""" self._pm.hook.teardown(markata=self) return self def run(self: "Markata", lifecycle: LifeCycle = None) -> Markata: if lifecycle is None: lifecycle = max(LifeCycle._member_map_.values()) if isinstance(lifecycle, str): lifecycle = LifeCycle[lifecycle] stages_to_run = [ m for m in LifeCycle._member_map_ if (LifeCycle[m] <= lifecycle) and (m not in self.stages_ran) ] if not stages_to_run: self.console.log(f"{lifecycle.name} already ran") return self self.console.log(f"running {stages_to_run}") for stage in stages_to_run: self.console.log(f"{stage} running") getattr(self._pm.hook, stage)(markata=self) self.stages_ran.add(stage) self.console.log(f"{stage} complete") with self.cache as cache: hits, misses = cache.stats() if hits + misses > 0: self.console.log( f"lifetime cache hit rate {round(hits/ (hits + misses)*100, 2)}%", ) if misses > 0: self.console.log(f"lifetime cache hits/misses {hits}/{misses}") hits -= self.init_cache_stats[0] misses -= self.init_cache_stats[1] if hits + misses > 0: self.console.log( f"run cache hit rate {round(hits/ (hits + misses)*100, 2)}%", ) if misses > 0: self.console.log(f"run cache hits/misses {hits}/{misses}") return self def filter(self: "Markata", filter: str) -> list: def evalr(a: Markata.Post) -> Any: try: return eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) except AttributeError: return eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) return [a for a in self.articles if evalr(a)] def map( self: "Markata", func: str = "title", filter: str = "True", sort: str = "True", reverse: bool = True, *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: import copy def try_sort(a: Any) -> int: if "datetime" in sort.lower(): return a.get(sort, datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)) if "date" in sort.lower(): return a.get(sort, datetime.date(1970, 1, 1)) try: value = eval(sort, a.to_dict(), {}) except NameError: return -1 return value try: return int(value) except TypeError: try: return int(value.timestamp()) except Exception: try: return int( datetime.datetime.combine( value, datetime.datetime.min.time(), ).timestamp(), ) except Exception: try: return sum([ord(c) for c in str(value)]) except Exception: return -1 articles = copy.copy(self.articles) articles.sort(key=try_sort) if reverse: articles.reverse() try: posts = [ eval( func, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) for a in articles if eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) ] except NameError as e: variable = str(e).split("'")[1] missing_in_posts = self.map( "path", filter=f'"{variable}" not in post.keys()', ) message = ( f"variable: '{variable}' is missing in {len(missing_in_posts)} posts" ) if len(missing_in_posts) > 10: message += ( f"\nfirst 10 paths to posts missing {variable}" f"[{','.join([str(p) for p in missing_in_posts[:10]])}..." ) else: message += f"\npaths to posts missing {variable} {missing_in_posts}" raise MissingFrontMatter(message) return posts def first( self: "Markata", filter: str = "True", sort: str = "True", reverse: bool = True, *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: return self.map("post", filter, sort, reverse, *args, **kwargs)[0] def last( self: "Markata", filter: str = "True", sort: str = "True", reverse: bool = True, *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: return self.map("post", filter, sort, reverse, *args, **kwargs)[-1] def one( self: "Markata", filter: str = "True", *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: posts = self.map("post", filter, *args, **kwargs) if len(posts) > 1: raise TooManyPosts(f"found {len(posts)} posts, expected 1. {posts}") if len(posts) == 0: raise NoPosts return posts[0]
!! function
load_ipython_extension function
load_ipython_extension source
def load_ipython_extension(ipython): ipython.user_ns["m"] = Markata() ipython.user_ns["markata"] = ipython.user_ns["m"] ipython.user_ns["markata"] = ipython.user_ns["m"]
!! method
init method
init source
def __init__(self: "Markata", console: Console = None, config=None) -> None: self.__version__ = __version__ self.stages_ran = set() self.threded = False self._cache = None self._precache = None self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR = Path(".") / ".markata.cache" self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self._pm = pluggy.PluginManager("markata") self._pm.add_hookspecs(hookspec.MarkataSpecs) if config is not None: self.config = config with self.cache as cache: self.init_cache_stats = cache.stats() self.registered_attrs = hookspec.registered_attrs self.post_models = [] self.config_models = [] if config is not None: raw_hooks = config else: raw_hooks = standard_config.load("markata") self.hooks_conf = HooksConfig.parse_obj(raw_hooks) try: default_index = self.hooks_conf.hooks.index("default") hooks = [ *self.hooks_conf.hooks[:default_index], *DEFAULT_HOOKS, *self.hooks_conf.hooks[default_index + 1 :], ] self.hooks_conf.hooks = [ hook for hook in hooks if hook not in self.hooks_conf.disabled_hooks ] except ValueError: # 'default' is not in hooks , do not replace with default_hooks pass self._register_hooks() if console is not None: self._console = console atexit.register(self.teardown) self.precache
!! method
cache method
cache source
def cache(self: "Markata") -> Cache: # if self.threded: # FanoutCache(self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR, statistics=True) if self._cache is not None: return self._cache self._cache = Cache(self.MARKATA_CACHE_DIR, statistics=True) return self._cache
!! method
precache method
precache source
def precache(self: "Markata") -> None: if self._precache is None: self.cache.expire() self._precache = {k: self.cache.get(k) for k in self.cache.iterkeys()} return self._precache
!! method
getattr method
getattr source
def __getattr__(self: "Markata", item: str) -> Any: if item in self._pm.hook.__dict__: # item is a hook, return a callable function return lambda: self.run(item) if item in self.__dict__: # item is an attribute, return it return self.__getitem__(item) elif item in self.registered_attrs: # item is created by a plugin, run it stage_to_run_to = max( [attr["lifecycle"] for attr in self.registered_attrs[item]], ).name self.console.log( f"Running to [purple]{stage_to_run_to}[/] to retrieve [purple]{item}[/]" ) self.run(stage_to_run_to) return getattr(self, item) elif item == "precache": return self._precache or {} else: # Markata does not know what this is, raise raise AttributeError(f"'Markata' object has no attribute '{item}'")
!! method
rich method
rich source
def __rich__(self: "Markata") -> Table: grid = Table.grid() grid.add_column("label") grid.add_column("value") for label, value in self.describe().items(): grid.add_row(label, value) return grid
!! method
bust_cache method
bust_cache source
def bust_cache(self: "Markata") -> Markata: with self.cache as cache: cache.clear() return self
!! method
configure method
configure source
def configure(self) -> Markata: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) # self.config = {**DEFUALT_CONFIG, **standard_config.load("markata")} # if isinstance(self.config["glob_patterns"], str): # self.config["glob_patterns"] = self.config["glob_patterns"].split(",") # elif isinstance(self.config["glob_patterns"], list): # self.config["glob_patterns"] = list(self.config["glob_patterns"]) # else: # raise TypeError("glob_patterns must be list or str") # self.glob_patterns = self.config["glob_patterns"] # self.hooks = self.config["hooks"] # if "disabled_hooks" not in self.config: # self.disabled_hooks = [""] # if isinstance(self.config["disabled_hooks"], str): # self.disabled_hooks = self.config["disabled_hooks"].split(",") # if isinstance(self.config["disabled_hooks"], list): # self.disabled_hooks = self.config["disabled_hooks"] # if not self.config.get("output_dir", "markout").endswith( # self.config.get("path_prefix", "") # ): # self.config["output_dir"] = ( # self.config.get("output_dir", "markout") + # "/" + # self.config.get("path_prefix", "").rstrip("/") # ) # if ( # len((output_split := self.config.get("output_dir", "markout").split("/"))) > # 1 # ): # if "path_prefix" not in self.config.keys(): # self.config["path_prefix"] = "/".join(output_split[1:]) + "/" # if not self.config.get("path_prefix", "").endswith("/"): # self.config["path_prefix"] = self.config.get("path_prefix", "") + "/" # self.config["output_dir"] = self.config["output_dir"].lstrip("/") # self.config["path_prefix"] = self.config["path_prefix"].lstrip("/") try: default_index = self.hooks_conf.hooks.index("default") hooks = [ *self.hooks_conf.hooks[:default_index], *DEFAULT_HOOKS, *self.hooks_conf.hooks[default_index + 1 :], ] self.config.hooks = [ hook for hook in hooks if hook not in self.config.disabled_hooks ] except ValueError: # 'default' is not in hooks , do not replace with default_hooks pass self._pm = pluggy.PluginManager("markata") self._pm.add_hookspecs(hookspec.MarkataSpecs) self._register_hooks() self._pm.hook.configure(markata=self) return self
!! method
get_plugin_config method
get_plugin_config source
def get_plugin_config(self, path_or_name: str) -> Dict: key = Path(path_or_name).stem config = self.config.get(key, {}) if not isinstance(config, dict): raise TypeError("must use dict") if "cache_expire" not in config.keys(): config["cache_expire"] = self.config["default_cache_expire"] if "config_key" not in config.keys(): config["config_key"] = key return config
!! method
get_config method
get_config source
def get_config( self, key: str, default: str = "", warn: bool = True, suggested: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: if key in self.config.keys(): return self.config[key] else: if suggested is None: suggested = textwrap.dedent( f""" [markata] {key} = '{default}' """ ) if warn: logger.warning( textwrap.dedent( f""" Warning {key} is not set in markata config, sitemap will be missing root site_name to resolve this open your markata.toml and add {suggested} """ ), ) return default
!! method
make_hash method
make_hash source
def make_hash(self, *keys: str) -> str: import xxhash str_keys = [str(key) for key in keys] hash = xxhash.xxh64("".join(str_keys).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() return hash
!! method
content_dir_hash method
content_dir_hash source
def content_dir_hash(self: "Markata") -> str: hashes = [ dirhash(dir) for dir in self.content_directories if dir.absolute() != Path(".").absolute() ] return self.make_hash(*hashes)
!! method
console method
console source
def console(self: "Markata") -> Console: try: return self._console except AttributeError: self._console = Console() return self._console
!! method
describe method
describe source
def describe(self: "Markata") -> dict[str, str]: return {"version": __version__}
!! method
_to_dict method
_to_dict source
def _to_dict(self: "Markata") -> dict[str, Iterable]: return {"config": self.config, "articles": [a.to_dict() for a in self.articles]}
!! method
to_dict method
to_dict source
def to_dict(self: "Markata") -> dict: return self._to_dict()
!! method
to_json method
to_json source
def to_json(self: "Markata") -> str: import json return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
!! method
_register_hooks method
_register_hooks source
def _register_hooks(self: "Markata") -> None: sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) for hook in self.hooks_conf.hooks: try: # module style plugins plugin = importlib.import_module(hook) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: # class style plugins if "." in hook: try: mod = importlib.import_module(".".join(hook.split(".")[:-1])) plugin = getattr(mod, hook.split(".")[-1]) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"module {hook} not found\n{sys.path}" ) from e else: raise e self._pm.register(plugin)
!! method
iter method
iter source
def __iter__( self: "Markata", description: str = "working..." ) -> Iterable["Markata.Post"]: articles: Iterable[Markata.Post] = track( self.articles, description=description, transient=False, console=self.console, ) return articles
!! method
iter_articles method
iter_articles source
def iter_articles(self: "Markata", description: str) -> Iterable[Markata.Post]: articles: Iterable[Markata.Post] = track( self.articles, description=description, transient=True, console=self.console, ) return articles
!! method
teardown method
give special access to the teardown lifecycle methodteardown source
def teardown(self: "Markata") -> Markata: """give special access to the teardown lifecycle method""" self._pm.hook.teardown(markata=self) return self
!! method
run method
run source
def run(self: "Markata", lifecycle: LifeCycle = None) -> Markata: if lifecycle is None: lifecycle = max(LifeCycle._member_map_.values()) if isinstance(lifecycle, str): lifecycle = LifeCycle[lifecycle] stages_to_run = [ m for m in LifeCycle._member_map_ if (LifeCycle[m] <= lifecycle) and (m not in self.stages_ran) ] if not stages_to_run: self.console.log(f"{lifecycle.name} already ran") return self self.console.log(f"running {stages_to_run}") for stage in stages_to_run: self.console.log(f"{stage} running") getattr(self._pm.hook, stage)(markata=self) self.stages_ran.add(stage) self.console.log(f"{stage} complete") with self.cache as cache: hits, misses = cache.stats() if hits + misses > 0: self.console.log( f"lifetime cache hit rate {round(hits/ (hits + misses)*100, 2)}%", ) if misses > 0: self.console.log(f"lifetime cache hits/misses {hits}/{misses}") hits -= self.init_cache_stats[0] misses -= self.init_cache_stats[1] if hits + misses > 0: self.console.log( f"run cache hit rate {round(hits/ (hits + misses)*100, 2)}%", ) if misses > 0: self.console.log(f"run cache hits/misses {hits}/{misses}") return self
!! method
filter method
filter source
def filter(self: "Markata", filter: str) -> list: def evalr(a: Markata.Post) -> Any: try: return eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) except AttributeError: return eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) return [a for a in self.articles if evalr(a)]
!! method
map method
map source
def map( self: "Markata", func: str = "title", filter: str = "True", sort: str = "True", reverse: bool = True, *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: import copy def try_sort(a: Any) -> int: if "datetime" in sort.lower(): return a.get(sort, datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)) if "date" in sort.lower(): return a.get(sort, datetime.date(1970, 1, 1)) try: value = eval(sort, a.to_dict(), {}) except NameError: return -1 return value try: return int(value) except TypeError: try: return int(value.timestamp()) except Exception: try: return int( datetime.datetime.combine( value, datetime.datetime.min.time(), ).timestamp(), ) except Exception: try: return sum([ord(c) for c in str(value)]) except Exception: return -1 articles = copy.copy(self.articles) articles.sort(key=try_sort) if reverse: articles.reverse() try: posts = [ eval( func, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) for a in articles if eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) ] except NameError as e: variable = str(e).split("'")[1] missing_in_posts = self.map( "path", filter=f'"{variable}" not in post.keys()', ) message = ( f"variable: '{variable}' is missing in {len(missing_in_posts)} posts" ) if len(missing_in_posts) > 10: message += ( f"\nfirst 10 paths to posts missing {variable}" f"[{','.join([str(p) for p in missing_in_posts[:10]])}..." ) else: message += f"\npaths to posts missing {variable} {missing_in_posts}" raise MissingFrontMatter(message) return posts
!! method
first method
first source
def first( self: "Markata", filter: str = "True", sort: str = "True", reverse: bool = True, *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: return self.map("post", filter, sort, reverse, *args, **kwargs)[0]
!! method
last method
last source
def last( self: "Markata", filter: str = "True", sort: str = "True", reverse: bool = True, *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: return self.map("post", filter, sort, reverse, *args, **kwargs)[-1]
!! method
one method
one source
def one( self: "Markata", filter: str = "True", *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict, ) -> list: posts = self.map("post", filter, *args, **kwargs) if len(posts) > 1: raise TooManyPosts(f"found {len(posts)} posts, expected 1. {posts}") if len(posts) == 0: raise NoPosts return posts[0]
!! function
evalr function
evalr source
def evalr(a: Markata.Post) -> Any: try: return eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, ) except AttributeError: return eval( filter, {**a.to_dict(), "timedelta": timedelta, "post": a, "m": self}, {}, )
!! function
try_sort function
try_sort source
def try_sort(a: Any) -> int: if "datetime" in sort.lower(): return a.get(sort, datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)) if "date" in sort.lower(): return a.get(sort, datetime.date(1970, 1, 1)) try: value = eval(sort, a.to_dict(), {}) except NameError: return -1 return value try: return int(value) except TypeError: try: return int(value.timestamp()) except Exception: try: return int( datetime.datetime.combine( value, datetime.datetime.min.time(), ).timestamp(), ) except Exception: try: return sum([ord(c) for c in str(value)]) except Exception: return -1